Trying to Cope- Ch. 37

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The typical high school scenario: crying in the bathroom stall and then, miraculously out of nowhere someone would find you and help.

Well, maybe not the last part for most but Midoriya surely didn't want any of that to happen. So what did he do instead?

Cry in the storage closet where no one would bother to look for him. It's not like Kirishima would bother him and for all he knew, the redhead was the only one who knew that he walked off. Well, unfortunately for Midoriya, more than one person knew of his situation.

The greenette slumped against the wall as he buried his head in his hands, trying to cease his continuous flow of tears that had poured out of his emerald eyes. Stupid wings. Stupid villains. God I'm such an idiot...and a crybaby. Midoriya grit his teeth, angry at himself for acting the way he did. He was just so weak and pathetic. What kind of strong person hides in a storage closet and cries?

Right, strong people don't do that.

He heaved out a choked sob as he held his scarred hands to his mouth, trying to muffle his cries in his hands. It had been a couple of minutes since he had been in here. Surely classes would've started already, right? Maybe he should stay in the closet a bit longer before making his next move. Though, it seemed like his body wouldn't want to comply; his back ached and his eyes felt heavy from the lack of sleep he so desperately needed.

He felt his shoulders fall, relaxed and less tense than before. He let a small, shaky breath escape his lips as he held his chest, just wanting the pain to go away. What would make him feel better? Hell, if he even knew what 'better' was anymore. He should be used to the pain by now, shouldn't he? How had he repressed everything before? Or was it because he broke down that he couldn't go back, that he would just stay broken forever, unable to return back because he was already broken so damn much?

Singing had helped calm his nerves sometimes, but he wasn't sure if he would be able to do that given the situation. He was supposed to be hidden and his chest hurt, making breathing a bit more uncomfortable than it was supposed to be. Though, he opted to hum a small tune to himself nonetheless, letting his mind wander as he closed his eyes.

His eyes shot open when hearing small rattling a couple of minutes later. He stopped humming and listened closely, unconsciously facing his back away from the door, even if his blazer was covering them. Luckily for him, he had locked the door.

Or he thought that he had locked it.

Ebony brown and royal purple eyes had looked down at him as his own emerald eyes flickered away, trying to hide the shame and embarrassment that swirled around in the pools of green.

"What happened?! Everyone was worried-" the brunette stopped mid-sentence when seeing the boy's exhausted state, along with the tears that stained his freckled cheeks. "You're still sick, aren't you?" She asked softly, crouching in front of the freckled teen.

Midoriya sat up at that, hauling himself up, "No. I'm fine. I should've just went to class. It's nothing, I'm fine."

"Midoriya," a voice called out, sounding stern. Emerald eyes flickered up to the culprit, deep purple eyes looking into his own. "You and I both know that Mr. Aizawa isn't gonna let that slide. If you're sick then you need to rest," the purple haired teen implied.

The greenette paused. "How did you find me?" He asked, wanting to distract the two as he wiped away his, mostly dried, tears. He looked over and noticed Jiro twirling her earphone jack in her fingers, letting them go and twisting them in the air to show how they found him. "Oh..." he muttered.

He felt something tap his side, and, before he knew it, someone had grabbed his wrist, keeping him from floating further up. He looked over to see Uraraka giving him a sly smile, "Well this will guarantee that you won't be able to go back to class. Come on, Jiro and I can take you back to your dorm room."

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