Chapter 42

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It was about 12 in the morning now, and I walked back into my hotel room, seeing Sam looking angry.

"Are you done whoring around with your new boyfriends?"

I walked up to him and slapped him across his face.

"I was coming to talk to you, but I see that I can't since you're being immature and just assume that I would do that."

Sam was about to any something, but his phone rang and he answered. Sams face went from angry, to pure shock. Tears came from his eyes and he dropped his phone on the floor, making the screen shatter.


"We're leaving for Omaha right now.The Jacks can take our stuff, but we need to leave."

"Sam what's wrong?"

"El, we need to go. Now."

"Sam, I'm not leaving until you tell me what happened."

A silent sob came from Sam, and he said,

"Stefans in the hospital, because a drunk driver hit him. We need to leave."

Before I knew it, I was being pulled out of my room and I was sobbing. We were on the next flight to Nebraska, and we could only hope Stefan was okay.


Sam and I entered the hospital, and it was probably about 6 in the morning. I haven't slept for 24 hours, but right now I needed to get to my brother and only focus on him.
The nurse told us his room number, and I got there as fast as I could.
I ran into his room, and I see a sleeping Marley in the corner of the room and a lifeless Stefan hooked to machines, out cold.
I started crying, Sam tried hugging me, but I pushed him away and ran to Stefans side. Marley woke up and she looked surprised, since we weren't supposed to be home until tonight. She went to hug Sam.
My parents walked into the room, and I hugged them.

Then the doctor came in, and told us what was wrong.
He was in a coma.
And they didn't know how long until he wakes up.
A fucking coma.
I was next to Stefans side until at least 11 in the morning. The rest of them left for home, at least I thought they did, Sam was the only one here because he walked into the room.

"El, lets go. You've been here for 5 hours already."

"Don't tell me what to do Sam. I can't leave his side."

I started to cry, and I couldn't speak.
Sam tried to pick me up, I kept hitting him in the chest to get him to put me down. But that didn't work, I gave up and started crying into Sams shirt, as he carried me bridal way down the hall and into the car.

I cried until we were halfway to the house, and then I fell asleep to the soft sound of rain drops pelting against the car windows, and Sams soft huming to Be Still by The Fray. 


I woke up in my bed, by the sound of Sam walking in with a smoothie and some fruit. He put them on my nightstand, and he tried kissing me, only I pushed him away and reached for my smoothie.

"El, please."

I didn't repond to him and turned Netflix on my TV.

"The silent treatment? Really?"

I kept looking at the TV, while snapping at Sam,

"Well I thought you wouldn't want to talk to me for a while. You know, since I was whoring around with my new boyfriends and all."

Sam sighed and said,

"El, that was a mistake. Please,"

"just leave it Sam. I'll see you when I'm feeling better, okay?"

He nodded and walked out of my bedroom. I started thinking about Stefan, and I started to cry more. I was an emotional wreck, and I looked like a slob and I just wanted to feel better. I just wanted everything to be better, Stefan out of his stupid coma, Sam not being jealous 24/7, not stepping on that piece of glass, it was only June 20 and I got my cast off July 3. What if he never wakes up? I'll never be able to see him again. My brother, my best friend, my only friend I had through all the hard times. 
I started to sob, loud sobs, and I didn't care if the whole neighborhood heard. I couldn't control it. 

Wesley ran through the door, and once he saw me, and rushed over to me and held me until I calmed down. 

Once I stopped crying, I looked up at him and said,

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard about Stefan, I wanted to check on you. You're obviously not doing okay, do you need to talk about it?"

I shook my head and said,

"I just need sleep, some rest. But um, will you stay with me? Just until it gets late?"

He nodded, and I fell asleep in Wesleys arms.

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