Chapter 3

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El's POV

It's been a couple weeks since the first day of school, and I've gotten closer with the group everyday. They were my best friends. But I've gotten closest with Sam.

I was sitting in my room doing homework when I heard a knock on my balcony. What the hell?
I panicked and grabbed a lacrosse stick Stefan left in my room and I slowly made my way towards the balcony doors.

I quickly open the curtains and swing open the doors ready to hit someone, but I opened the doors to see Sam.

"Sam? How did you even get up here?" He smirked and said, "I just did." I laughed and let him in. We were sitting on my bed doing homework when Sam started talking.

"Why are you named Eleuthera?" I responded, "I'm named after the island in the Bahamas." He nodded and got up and quickly left the room. I laughed and shook my head, he always did that. I got up and followed him, to see he was making food.

"Yeah, of course you can come into my house and eat my food. Thanks for asking." Sam turned around and said, "You're welcome."

I looked at the fridge and saw a note for me.

-El, clean the dishes before I get home-

I groaned and then I started washing the dishes. Sam finished his food and started helping me.

"Sam you don't have to help." I said.     "I know I want to." He grabbed a dish and started to clean it.

We were halfway through when Sam took the soaking wet washcloth and hit me with it. I screamed and sprayed him with the sprayer. We had a water fight in the kitchen, Sam was more soaked than I was, but Sam picked me up and hugged me so I would get more wet.

"Sam! Stop you're getting me wet!" Sam laughed and said, "Thats what she said!" I started laughing and I heard someone fall.

"Who's home?" Stefan walked in with red cheeks and said, "Me." I looked at him and responded, "Were you spying on us?"

He laughed and nodded. He started playing a video on his phone, it was of Sam and I fighting. I started laughing.  "Send that to me."

We finished the dishes and got dried off, before we decided to go to Sams. We invited the whole group over, it was a little late, but it was a Friday so we had the whole weekend. We just hung out, and did stuff, but I noticed that Sam was staring at me. I tried to act like I didn't notice. Nate said, "Truth or Dare?"

Everyone agreed and we sat in a circle. I sat next to Gilinsky and Stefan.
Nate started talking and said, "Okay, I'll go first. El, truth or dare?" I glared at Nate.
"Ummm Truth." Nate looked at me and said, "Is Omaha better than West Palm?" Lame.
"Weather, no. Everything else, yes. I love it here." It was true, I was starting to really enjoy it here.

Nate nodded and we went on. It got to Gilinsky, then to Gilinsky to ask Sam.

"Sam, truth or dare?"


Gilinsky thought for a bit, and then said, "I dare you to sing in front of the group." Sam nodded and said, "Easy."

I didn't know Sam sang.

Sam got up and sang this one song he wrote, Could You Be The One. He wasn't bad.


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