Chapter 19

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El's POV

We boarded the plane and we were off. It was almost a year since I've seen Marley and honestly, I was about to explode.

The plane landed, and I got my baggage, and I ran out of the airport. I didn't realize Sam and Stefan weren't behind me. But I didn't really care, Marley was picking us up from the airport.

God, how much I missed the weather.
Then Sam and Stefan came to me and I heard a honk. I looked up, and I see Marley running out of her car and finally were reunited. I was crying, and we were hugging each other so tightly.
Marley looked up and saw Sam, and she screamed.

"SAM!!! SAM WILKINSON!! El talks about you so much oh my god I'm so happy to finally meet you, I'm Marley!"

Sam laughed and hugged Marley.
Then Marley hugged Stefan and they looked at each other. They kissed, if I didn't mention before that they used to date, I was glad to see them back together again.

We got in the jeep and drove to the old house. I walked inside, and I took it all in. This was where I was born and raised, this was my first home. I went up to my old room and jumped on my old bed. I missed this so much.

Sam came in and jumped on the bed with me, and he cuddled into me. We took a nap and then decided to go The Old Key Lime House, a little restaurant in West Palm.
Marley and I caught up, and then her and Stefan went to walk around the back. Sam and I were talking, and we decided to go back once Marley and Stefan were done.

We drove back, and I got changed into some pajamas and went to bed. Sam slept with me, because the other room was for Stefan. I was excited to be back.


I woke up, and got dressed. Marley was pulled up outside, so I got my bag and Sam, Stefan and I left.
We were planning to go to the beach, so Marley and I got our matching vineyard vines hats and we tanned while the guys went into the water.
I was thirsty, so I went up to get some water.

God I missed this more than ever.
As I was paying for some waters, someone was right behind me. I was assuming Sam was messing with me, so I turned around. But it wasn't sam,
it was Jeff. My ex boyfriend. The abusive one.
I tried to run but he stood in my way. I gave up.

"What do you want." He smirked and said, "That's no way to greet an old friend. Are you back?" I looked at him and said,

"Only for a while. But I have no interest in talking to you, so please get out of my way."

I was trying to walk back to them but he grabbed my wrist, I whimpered because he hurt it. He actually left bruises. I yelled, but he took me and covered my mouth. Great, there goes my water.

I managed to slap him in the face and run. Sam was just coming out of the water and I ran to him, and hugged him. He was holding me and saying,

"What happened??" I looked at him and said, "We need to leave. Now."

Marley came up to me and said, "What's wrong?"

I gave her the "Jeff" look and she nodded. We had a look for a lot of things. She got all our stuff and we ran to the car. Before anyone could get in, Jeff caught up to us.

"I can see you learned to defend yourself now."

I ignored him and got into the car. Marley and I started the car, but Stefan and Sam were talking to Jeff. Before I knew it, Sam and Stefan were beating Jeff up.

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