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Years ago.

Harry's P.O.V.

"Harry, what the hell do you think you are doing?!"- yelled Margaret, fuming with vexation, making my little princess jolt in scare. 

"Don't raise your voice in front of Ella."- I stated coldly and sternly, directing kind gaze at my daughter.

"Don't tell me what to do and don't give her any of those."- she said angrily, taking the small candy away from Ella.

"Margaret, don't be ridiculous. She is just 5 years old and is more than allowed to have sweets once in a while."- I said bitterly, glaring at her, and motioned Ella to come to me.

My heart twisted at the sight of how glossy from tears her blue eyes are. I picked up my little girl and hugged her gently, rubbing her back soothingly. 

"You like that wretch more than your own wife. How dare you!"- shouted in fury Margaret, narrowing her brown eyes at Ella, making my blood boil.

"I don't like her. I love her because she is my little daughter, my only child. Now go and fix your attitude. I won't have you yelling in front of Ella."- I said firmly as she walked away, slamming the door of my daughter's room loudly, making her jolt. 

"Shh, it's alright, dear."- I said calmly and warmly, hugging me gently. 

"Why doesn't mother like me?"- whispered shakily Ella, clutching on my shirt, silently blinking away tear, one after another. 

I wish I knew why that woman doesn't love her own daughter. There are so many things I wish I could change, but, alas, I cannot. 

I sat on the bed and hugged my little princess, soothing her as she silently cried on my shoulder, not making a sound. 

"I love you, Ella. No matter what, your daddy will always love you."- I told my daughter from the bottom of my heart. 

There is no-one, whom I love more than my beautiful girl. She is my joy and pride, my little angel. 

"I love you too, daddy. Very much."- whispered softly Ella, clinging to me securer. 

"Can you promise me something, my little rose?"- I asked her calmly as she nodded, slowly locking her blue eyes on mine. 

"No matter what happens in this life, you will always be kind and loving girl. You won't let any darkness in your precious little heart and will always make daddy proud by being smart, caring, kindhearted and genuine lady."- I said warmly, gently wiping away trails of tears off her small cheeks. 

"I promise, daddy."- almost whispered Ella, very delicately intertwining our pinkies. 

I kissed her forehead and hugged her close to myself, wanting nothing, but to hide my daughter from the evil world. 

"Can you stay with me for a little more please, daddy?"- asked softly Ella, hesitating with each word, blinking away a few more tears. 

"But it is alright if you have to go. I understand."- she quickly, shakily added as my heart broke at how scared she is because of that wench. 

"Of course, I will stay with you, my little princess."- I replied kindly and calmly, smiling tenderly at her. 

She hesitated for a moment before smiling softly at me, quickly dropping down her gaze. 

"Ella, you don't have to be scared to show any emotions around me. I would never scold you for such thing. You are free to smile, laugh, cry, talk and do anything you please next to me."- I assured her lovingly, kissing the top of her pretty head. 

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