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3 in the morning.

Gabriel's P.O.V.

I woke up to something wet dropping on my forearm more and more frequently. My eyes lazily opened and my worry leaped, heart raced in concern as I saw Ella clutching on the sheets, shaking slightly while tears silently rolled down her comely face, landing on my forearm as her pretty head is resting on my bicep. I am laying behind her, cuddling her as little spoon.

Nightmares. Why didn't she tell me that she has them?

"Princesa."- I whispered to her warmly, my voice sounding gruffer and deeper, and kissed her petite shoulder gently.

I attempted to rub her arm gently to wake her up, but stopped as soon as she trembled in fear. I sat up and lightly caressed her small, soft hand, hating how mortified she is. 

Whoever did this to her will fucking pay with their life.

"Bellezza, wake up, please."- I spoke collectedly and tenderly, my heart racing in worry in ways I have never felt before. 

Ocean blue eyes flew wide open, her delicate body is tense and she is alarmed, scared and shaking. Ella jumped in my arms, holding me in very tight grip, crying silently. My arms immediately secured around her bonny back and slender waist as I hugged her affectionately, protectively and adoringly. 

"I am right here, baby. I am not going anywhere."- I whispered to her confidently as she held onto me firmer with every second passing by.

"Shh, you are safe, princesa. Everything is alright."- I cooed her warmly, holding her close to myself, kissing her temple lightly. 

I kissed the top of her pretty head, hugging her securely, as she cried in my chest, holding me tightly and close to herself, slowly relaxing in may arms.

After a long while, tears came an end as her petite body stopped shaking. I kissed her forehead and delicately wiped the tears off her cheeks, feeling my heart shatter in pieces at the sight of her heavenly, captivating, ocean blue eyes: they are bloodshot red and glossy. 

"Hold me, please."- pleaded shakily Ella, her sweet voice sounding nearly like a whisper. 

I nodded with a comforting smile and wrapped her in my arms, laid us down on our sides, facing each other. She hid in my arms, blinking away tears from time to time, sneaking her petite arms around my neck. I stroke her back steadily, smiling in relief as she relaxed utterly. 

"Do you want to talk about it, mi leona?"- I asked her collectedly and she took a deep breath. 

"Nightmares."- she almost whispered shakily, pressing into me as I gladly pulled her closer. 

"Shouting, beatings, insults, house full of strangers, threats and punishments."- confessed Ella, blinking away a tear. 

My blood boiled and I saw red. Who the hell dared to hurt her? What for?!

I took a deep breath, trying my best to stay collected, but fuck, I want to punch something so damn hard and leash out my fury. 

"You are safe by my side, Ella. No harm will threaten you ever again, I promise."- I swore meaningfully, making it a promise will keep above all. 

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