Treinta y dos.

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7 months later. November.

Gabriel's P.O.V.

I smiled lazily, opening my eyes as delicate figure snuggled into me more and sweet scent of vanilla surrounded me. 

My wife. My Ella. 

Beautiful, dark brown brows. Long, thick, dark, pretty lashes rest on her defined cheekbones. Small, cute, button nose. Plump, full, luscious, softer than flower's petals lips of the most winsome rosy shade. Creamy, sleek, dewy, clear, luminous skin is far softer and smoother than silk. Long, naturally wavy, velvety, very voluminous, lustrous, rich brown hair smells like vanilla and is as stunning as ever. 

Sun beams highlight her angelic face and make her shiny locks glisten magically as a few golden strands popped out in the light. Petite, perfect hour-glass body is half-bare as it is pressed against my vigorous physic, being tightly wrapped in my protective embrace. 

God, she is breathtaking. 

There are so many things people claim to need and want, but all I will ever need, want and desire is her. I never knew that I will find my soulmate all the way in England on that damned meeting, which I didn't want to go so badly, but I did and I thank heaven that she came into my life. 

I tenderly caressed her soft cheek, smiling as it earned me the most adorable, sleepy smile - she loves it when I do this, I love doing doing this. My eyes lovingly trailed along her stunning face, memorising every single detail as if for the first time while my heart began racing and sparks shot through my being. 

Ella's been unwell for the last 2 months and I cannot help the feeling that it has something to do with fertility shots. She is feeble, appetite dropped, she has frequent headaches.

It's been 7 months.

Our lives are peaceful and content, we are back in London in our home. Our businesses and Mafia are just fine, we are helping each other and working as such a great team. 

During those months we've also been getting into family chapter more and more. Her period is consistent and not painful, which I am happy about. Her immune system is utterly fine and her body is much stronger. Doctor said that she can quit taking her medicine and vitamins and switch onto fertility shots. 

But fuck, those shots don't give me any peace of mind. At first she was fine, nothing concerned me, but after the 2nd and 3rd time my bubbly sunshine as if vanished. It feels like someone switched my Ella and I am not having it. She has appointment today for those shots and I don't feel like letting her go. Not today, not ever again. 

I am not going to lie, I do want to be a father to her children more than anything, but I also want my wife to be healthy. I'd rather look into other options, than put her at risk. 

Feathery kiss on my cheek brought me out of my thoughts. 

"Hi, my love."- spoke softly Ella, smiling beautifully at me, and I kissed her forehead, my lips lingering on that spot. 

"Hi, princesa."- I replied calmly, my eyes closing for a moment. 

"What's wrong, mi vida?"- she asked in care and I sighed, hugging her tighter to myself. 

"Maybe you shouldn't go to the appointment today?"- I replied collectedly, rubbing her back gently, and she sighed. 

"I cannot."- she almost whispered, wrapping her lean arms around my neck. 

"Mi amor, you are not well. They are only ruining your health. I cannot stand seeing you like this."- I stated in utmost concern, cupping her cheek tenderly, making her ocean blue eyes lock on mine. 

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