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Ella's P.O.V.

The second we landed, I left the jet, tears streaming down my face without stopping. Gabriel is right by my side as I am holding his hand tightly, desperately holding back the hell from breaking loose just yet. 

We got in the car and I hit the pedal, driving to the place, where I learnt about pain, tortures and hurt. Zachary is racing after our black Bugatti. 

"What did you forget here, horror of a child?"- mumbled excuse of a mother, being surrounded by her men-whores. 

Before anyone could utter another shitty word, I grabbed Gabriel's gun and shoot her in her left shoulder 4 times, making her yell in pain as her fuck-boys ran away. 

"You are a bitch. A wicked, selfish, cruel, heartless bitch."- I spoke in the calmest tone of menacing rage. 

"Took you so long to find out, huh."- she spat without remorse and I gripped the gun firmer, shooting her in her right leg. 

"You will fucking pay for it. You will beg for death."- I stated coldly, nodding at Zachary to take her away. 

The gun dropped on the floor.

Shaking hands. 

Blurry vision. 

Hot tears of hellish pain. 

Breaking heart. 

Shattered soul. 

Loss of words and hope.

Gabriel's P.O.V.

"Ella!"- I spoke in horror, catching her limp frame in my arms before she could hit the floor. 

"Shh, it's okay, baby."- I whispered to her, kissing her forehead as she gripped me in a tight hug, crying in my chest. 

I carried her out of here and drove us home while she cried on my lap, holding onto me firmly. My heart is racing in worry for my sweetheart. 

In 20 minutes we arrived and Diabolo met us eagerly after a month of being without the two of us, rubbing against me as I carried her inside, heading to our room right away. I sat on the bed and Ella curled in a tiny ball in my arms, crying softly continuously. 

"She killed him, Gabe. She fucking murdered him."- whispered shakily Ella, her gorgeous eyes are bloodshot red and watery. 

"She killed my dad in cold blood without remorse."- she spoke in anger, frustration, hurt and sadness. 

I moved her to straddle me and hugged her securely to myself, kissing her comely neck gently as she held me so damn tightly, crying on my shoulder. 

"I spent 15 years looking for him when he's been dead all along."- whispered brokenly my beloved and I kissed her cheek, knowing how much this hurts. 

I lost my dad too. I know how dearly and suffocating the mixture of sadness and fury is. I know how much you crave revenge and justice. 

Revenge satisfies you, it gives you chance to teach morons a lesson, get justice for once you loved, even if it is in a cruel and menacing way/

Time doesn't fucking heal, it just reached you how to live with it, but once you get rid of those scumbags, you learn how to conquer your demons one by one, slowly and painfully, but you and that's what matters.

"I want her dead, Gabe. I want her to suffer and die like a pathetic bitch that she is."- she said surely through tears as I wiped them away gently. 

"You will get what you want, princesa, you have my word."- I promised her sincerely, having no intention of stopping her from doing what she wants. 

That wench deserves death of the worst kind imaginable for what she did to my wife. I will gladly give her all chance to make that hellcat pay. 

Ella cupped my jaw and kissed me vulnerably, yet passionately. I returned her fond kiss, holding her tiny waist in my hands securely as she is pressed against me. 

"No, mi leona. This won't make you feel better right now."- I said calmly, taking her tiny hands in mine when she was about to unbuckle my belt. 

"I want to feel anything, except hurt and misery. Make me feel good, please."- she pleaded softly, tears in her eyes, and I kissed her gently, standing my ground. 

"I will, but not with sex."- I replied lovingly, kissing her small, soft hands and diamond rings. 

I scooped her feather-like frame up in my arms, wrapping her slim legs around my waist, and kept my hands underneath her toned thighs. I carried her downstairs to the kitchen and sat her on the island, pecking her plump, full, luscious lips lovingly. 

"Caramel or sour berries?"- I asked her, smiling as I received a small, cute, genuine smile in reply. 

"Both, please.2- she said softly and I nodded, kissing her adorable nose lightly. 

I took 2 boxes of ice-cream from freezer and 2 spoons before we settled in our room in the bed, being in our underwear with Diabolo laying right next to us. 

Ella's P.O.V.

And he didn't lie. 

Gabe made me feel better in ways I cannot describe. He ate the odd mix of ice-cream with me - switching between one spoonful of sour berries and caramel - we cuddled, kisses, watched idiotic movies, hugged our big and cuddly Doberman. 

I feel lighter heart, less hurt, less angry. I am at peace with him. 

I nuzzled into his bare, rock-hard, inked, vigorous torso, sighing contentedly as his muscular, rugged, tattooed arm wrapped around my small frame tighter and pulled me closer. Our hands are intertwined, palms touching. 

"My dad used to call me his little rose. I got it when I was 16."- I almost whispered, unveiling the meaning of my tattoo. 

A dainty in size rose in black ink on my right wrist. 

"It's beautiful, darling."- said genuinely Gabriel, kissing the tattoo affectionately before I hugged him adoringly, being so damn grateful for such angel in my life. 

"I know this is very tough, baby girl, I know it hurts like hell, but with time you will feel better. I am not going to say that everything will be fine, because it's bullshit - it will always be raw - but I am right here any time you need me. You are not alone and I will always support you and watcher choice you make, sweetheart."- cooed lovingly Gabe, kissing my temple, and I smiled softly.

"I love you with all my heart, mi vida."- I spoke profoundly, kissing him dotingly. 

"I love you more than I can describe, bellezza."- he stated sincerely, capturing my lips in a devoted, fond kiss that made my heart flutter.

I didn't do anything to day, escaped cuddling with him. We ate tacos and relaxed on the terrace, kissed and snuggled in bed. 

This was what I needed. 

Tomorrow I will face all shit that happened and face my demons once and for all. 

It is time for me to enjoy my life with the love of my life by my side, focus on our future and getting better. It is time for me to be set free and become a woman that my dad raised me to be. 

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