Cuarenta y tres.

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3 in the morning.

Ella's P.O.V.

Bagel with Nutella. 

That's all I can think of. 

I glanced at Gabe, who looks sinfully handsome. I will never have enough of admiring my prepossessing husband: he is that ideal mix of sexy as hell, mouth-watering, beyond imposing and indescribably adorable - my type. 

I quietly wiggled out of his tight, loving hug and he hummed coarsely. 

"Are you alright, mi amor? Is everything fine with our little squishy?"- asked huskily Gabriel in care, reaching for my stomach, gently rubbing it with his thumb, making me smile. 

"Everything is fine, mi vida."- I assured him genuinely, leaning down to his level.

I kissed his cheek to soothe him back to sleep, smiling as he hugged my pillow, not even realising it. He is so cute. I went to the kitchen, grinning at the sight of a big Nutella jar standing on the island.

"Come to me."- I murmured happily, taking a bagel with indescribable eagerness. 

I made myself my much wanted treat and ate it with great enthusiasm, grinning in satisfaction. God, it tasted good. Once I ate the small bagel, I glanced at the jar, debating whether I should cave in my craving. 

On the one hand, lots of sugar is not good. On the other hand, doctor did say that I can and should indulge in whatever I crave. But then again, I worry about health of our little squishy, I do not want to consume too much sweets. But damn, I want it so badly. 

I glanced at the jar, clicking my nails against the marble island, pondering about the needy craving. What if I eat it now and don't have anything sugary all day long as a compromise? 

"Yeah, that's good."- I whispered with a smile, grinning as the thought settled in with me. 

I took a tea spoon and Nutella jar, happily eating spoonful of the chocolate spread, my eyes fluttering close on their own as my joy definitely leaped. As delectable as it was, I counted my spoonfuls, ending my nighttime craving on the 6th spoon. 

I went upstairs to our bedroom and quietly got back in bed, smiling as Gabe cuddled me immediately, pulling me close and tight to his hard, robust, powerful, scrumptious body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and giggled as he pecked me, humming hoarsely.

"Did you eat chocolate, bellezza?"- he wondered smokily, pecking me again, this time more fondly and intimately. 

"Sí."- I murmured against his plump, soft lips, pulling him impossibly close. 

Gabriel smiled charmingly at me and kissed me passionately, giving me butterflies. My fingers tangled in his very voluminous, velvety, shiny, midnight black hair, feeling his beautiful, slightly curly strands. 

We cuddled peacefully, falling asleep in a blink of an eye.

Hours later, 7AM.

I nuzzled into thewy, rugged body, feeling muscular arms hug me tighter, making me sigh contentedly as I relished in his warmth. Smile formed on my face as plump, soft lips laid feathery kiss on my forehead, lingering there for a moment. 

"Good morning, mi amor."- whispered huskily Gabriel, my eyes fluttering open and locking on his heavenly, Egyptian blue ones. 

"Good morning, handsome."- I replied softly, running my fingers though his thick, soft, lustrous hair. 

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