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Gabriel's P.O.V.

The last 2 days we have been discussing the plan, arranging everything for the 1st move: taking Kuznechov's ally's attention. The ally is Canadian cartel: big, but nothing in comparison to Ella's or my Mafia. Nevertheless, the cartel stocks the moron up with guns and it doesn't work with us. We want him bankrupt and defenceless. 

I glanced at my hand-watch, leaning on the railing of the stairs that lead to inside of my private jet. It is 4PM, Wednesday. The sky is already dark, the airport is illuminated by the lights. The wind is blowing lightly, just enough to keep the weather fresh. 

In no time black Mustang drove up as I smirked, adding one more hot thing about her: racing. Joder, she keeps getting better and better. (Fuck.)

She stepped out of the car and my eyes shamelessly trailed along her ravishing appearance, taking in every inch of her perfect self. 

Dewy, clear, silky, sleek skin is luminous. Tasteful, elegant, light makeup shows off her natural, bewitching beauty in all its glory. Rich brown, voluminous, velvety, long hair cascades down her back in excellent waves as the lights make her locks shine even brighter. 

Black, tight trousers with matching top and jacket in black colour suit her immensely, displaying just enough to leave me hot and bothered. Black, red-bottom heels add a few more inches to her statuesque self. Diamond jewellery is glimmering elegantly, catching the eye immediately. Black Prada bag suits the look.

"You are breathtaking, mi leona

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"You are breathtaking, mi leona."- I told her genuinely, bluntly checking her out with devilish smirk on my face, as she approached. 

Ella took my hand in her tiny, soft, perfectly manicured one and lead me inside as I followed her without hesitation. Not a word in my address. 

"Piérdete."- she told one of my men the moment he was about to get my attention and I smirked at her feistiness. (Get lost.) 

Little does she know that my attention is solely hers, she doesn't have to fight for it. She lead me to the bedroom and sat me down on the arm chair. I full-on grinned when Ella sat on my lap and wrapped herself in my arms as I eagerly complied to her request. 

"Can you cuddle me, please, Gabe?"- whispered softly Ella, sounding so sincere and vulnerable. 

This is cute, lovely Ella I have been getting to know for the last a few days: asking for cuddles and hugs, sweet, beyond adorable, very patient, exceedingly benevolent and intelligent. Her guard is down when she is with me alone and that means the world to me. She lets me in more, showing much bigger range of emotions: I know when's he is happy, sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, tired and I also acknowledge when she wants some space. 

"Absolutely, princesa."- I immediately agreed, feeling my heart brim in delight. 

I effortlessly hoisted her feather-like frame up and approached the large bed, laying down with her. She scooted closer to me, snuggling into me, making me smile brighter. Fuck, she is the cutest. 

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