Treinta y ocho.

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Ella's P.O.V.

I happily hummed to the song playing on the background while setting beautiful trifle in the fridge. 

"Someone is happy."- said uncle, peering in the kitchen, and I smiled at him, hugging him tightly. 

"Hi, uncle. How are you? Take a seat."- I replied cheerfully as he smiled warmly at me, sitting down at the island. 

"I am good, thank you, honey. How are you and Gabriel? Where is he?"- responded uncle Kevin as I made him his favourite espresso with oat biscuits, which I made just 20 minutes ago. 

"We are very well, thank you. He had some emergency meeting to attend, but he should be back soon."- I said with a smile, going uncle at the island, having strawberry tea to finish. 

We chatted for a while until he had to get going - he is leaving for Liverpool, he lives there. I quickly cleaned up and set the table for my beloved husband and I, looking after Diablo just as much. 

Once I was sure that everything perfect, I went upstairs to shower quickly. I did my routine and put on cute, sheer lingerie and a pretty, mid-thigh length, form-fitting dress in white colour. I added gorgeous heel to the look, smiling at the sight of my opal pedant and rings - I never take those 3 things off. 

I went downstairs and patiently waited for Gabriel, keeping the food in the turned-off oven to keep it warm. 

Time ticked by. An hour, then two, three. 

I sighed, feeling slightly sad, but I am sure that he will be back soon. I just hope he is safe and well.

Gabriel's P.O.V.

"Fucking hell."- I muttered angrily, tossing the file on the desk. 

Something is wrong with stocks - some piece of shit is stealing from us and it is enraging me. I hate disloyalty. 

For hours I have been looking for a rat, a loop hole, a twist, a hint, just anything to fix this. I do not want to stress my beloved, she dealt with enough paperwork for today. She needs to rest well. 

"Fuck."- I sighed, glancing at my hand watch. 

It nearly past 11PM. I told Ella that I will be home hours ago. Bloody hell, I am the worst. 

I grabbed my car keys and phone, leaving the warehouse. I quickly stopped by one place before driving home to my sweetheart, wanting to genuinely apologise for how awful I acted.

As soon as I entered our perfect home, the most homely, the most sublime odour lingered in the house. Diabolo came to me, rubbing against me, and I patted him before he nudged me to the dinning room. 

My heart twisted in gut wrenching feeling at the sight. 

My stunning wife dressed up gorgeously, made us dinner and beautifully set out the table. She has been waiting for me, she wanted to surprise me. 

I put the bouquet on the table and gently scooped her weightless self up in my arms to carry her to our room. I tenderly laid her on the bed and took off her heel before taking off my jacket and laying down next to her. 

My arms wrapped around her tiny, perfect self and I cupped her cheek lovingly, caressing it lightly. Ella made cute snuggle into me, hiding in my arms. I kissed her forehead, taking a deep breath of her sweet, alluring, pleasant scent of vanilla. 

Moment ticked by as angelic, big, twinkling, ocean blue eyes fluttered open. My heart skipped a beat as she immediately smiled at me, hugging me so tightly and so lovingly. 

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