Cuarenta y cinco.

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Ella's P.O.V. 

"Hey, I was busy."- I said amusedly, dropping resistance band that I took to work on my ass, as he scooped me in his strong, rugged arms and headed to the bar, giving my ass a playful pat. 

"I need your little help, mi amor."- stated Gabriel, setting me on my feet. 

"What is it, mi vida?"- I wondered happily, being very eager and glad to give him a hand. 

"Come here, little one."- he said cutely, wrapping my legs around his lean waist and my arms around his powerful, vigorous torso. 

"No, you are not doing pull-up like this."- I protested immediately when he effortlessly held onto the bar, raising his perfectly shaped brow at me. 

Gabriel pulled up with unutterable ease and I shut up, watching him in astonishment. 

"Any further questions, baby girl?"- asked Gabe with sexy smirk and I shook my head, smiling as he kissed my forehead. 

I peacefully chilled, staying still in my position, and he did pull-ups as I counted for him, being in awe of his strength - 3 circuits for 30 times in each and he is still carrying on. Damn, I am done after 20 pull-ups. Once he finished this exercise at 6th round, he kissed me passionately, keeping me in his muscular arms. 

It is 7AM and we are enjoying morning workout. Our day began with cuddles and run with Diabolo around neighbourhood. 

"I really like having you as my tiny workout buddy."- murmured against my lips Gabe, playfully bitting my bottom lip. 

"I love being your tiny workout buddy."- I said happily, melting our lips in a fond kiss. 

He licked my lips tantalisingly, getting entrance to my mouth, devouring me. My hands tangled in his voluminous, silky, midnight black hair, fingers running through it. Our tongues tangled in a hot mess as steamy kiss muffled our moans of pure enjoyment. 

"I want you, princesa."- stated hoarsely Gabriel, squeezing my ass, as I licked my lips, pressing into him more. 

"Take me, daddy."- I spoke softly, smiling alluringly as Egyptian blue eyes darkened, hunger and predatoriness swirling in them. 

His plump lips claimed mine in a rough, salacious kiss as he left the gym, carrying me somewhere. I scratched his broad, very strapping back, moaning as he sucked on my sweet spot, sitting me on the sink area of our bathroom. 

I peeled the tank-top off his sexy, robust torso, pulling him in a deep, titillating kiss while he swiftly took my tight sport-bra and leggings off me, leaving me in dark red, sheer thong. My bare breasts pressed against his finely chiselled chest, heightening the tingles and shots of pleasure. 

He gripped my thighs and spread my legs widely, ripping my thong in shreds. Plump lips left fierce, burning kisses on my breasts, trailing all the way down, making my heart race in excitement. 

"Oh, fuck."- I whispered, moaning in please and relief, feeling his tongue work on my clit as long, slender middle and index fingers probed my wet pussy. 

"Sí."- I moaned lushly, my head throwing back, fingers tugging on his velvety hair, as he sucked on my sensitive clit, circling his finger up against my g-spot. 

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