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Ella's P.O.V.

I woke up on something hard, yet warm as spicy scent surrounded me like never before. My eyes fluttered open and heart skipped when I realised that I am on top of Gabriel with his very muscular, strong, inked arms wrapped tightly around my back, keeping me secured against his sinewy, rock-hard, powerful body. 

My cheeks heated up at the contact and sensation. This feels far more intimate than just hugging and I cannot help myself, but truly like this: the tranquility, the warmth, the mellowness, the cosiness, the tenderness, the protection. I have never felt this safe and, in spite of us being this physically close, I am very comfortable. 

I tried to get up cautiously and tenderly, but couldn't as his hold of me only tightened and he held me securer to himself. My heart beat faster and I blushed more as my hand accidentally brushed against his abs - hard, defined and toned abs. Gabriel just hugged me closer to himself, sleeping peacefully. 

I gave up attempts to get up and stayed still in my place, gently resting my hands on his vast, finely chiselled chest as my chin laid on top of my hands. I glanced at him with a soft smile.

Midnight black, voluminous, velvety, shiny hair is very messy as a few strands fell across his perfectly sculpted, dreamy face. Razor-sharp, defined facial features are beautifully highlighted by the morning sunlight that gives him such irresistible and captivating look. Dewy, clear, soft, smooth skin is appealing and luminous. 

I stayed in his strong arms, letting myself indulge in the exquisite, utterly heavenly sensation. I glanced at the window and saw sun shining brightly, so it must be past 8AM. 

I have never slept for more than 2 hours because of my night-terrors, so usually I am up at 3 or 4 in the morning; it is more like nighttime. Yet last night went by so smoothly as I don't even remember when I fell asleep. For the first time in years I feel actually energised and my body doesn't feel like a heavy luggage that I have to carry around all day.

The clear reason for my peaceful sleep is obvious to me and it became one more reason why my heart flutters. 

Gabriel's P.O.V.

Divine, dulcet, exceedingly elegant, very tantalisingly scent of coconut is wrapped around me so damn good, creating such sublime bubble for me: tranquility, cosiness, relaxation, warmth. Delicate, feather-like body is tightly wrapped in my arms. Sleepy, yet beyond happy smile formed on my face as I know who it is and fuck, what a boost of good mood. 

I hugged Ella tighter to myself and gently turned over, laying us on our sides. My heart skipped more than 1 beat when I felt petite arms slowly wrap around my neck. 

Fuck, I want to stay this way forever. 

She is staying still in her place because she thinks I am asleep and because my hold of her is very secure, way too strong for her to get out of it. I pretended to be asleep, having absolutely no guilt or shame, and relished in her balmy touch for longer, enjoying her perfect embrace far more than I can explain. 

I have never slept for such a long time; I am up by 6 o'clock at all times. Yet right now with Ella right by my side I feel like I can easily go for another a couple of hours of sleep. I feel like I was sleeping on a cloud; I feel actually refreshed and really nice.

Ella's P.O.V.

Time ticked by as let myself relax completely, letting down my guard utterly. My body feels calm, my mind isn't racing and I am not thinking about my next actions, overthinking about everything. 

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