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Ella's P.O.V.

It's been a month.

So damn many tears were shed by me when I visited my dad's grave. It was one of the toughest days in my life. Nobody could stay utterly collected, uncle and I had it worse than others. Denise, Pablo, Candelaria, Vicente, Maria, Marisa, Marcello and Giano kindly flew to London, having my family's back, which means a lot to us. Aron, Zachary, Clayton and Rosalind were there also.

It was unexplainably difficult, painful, emotion and miserable. I couldn't get out of the car for first hour, simply having no courage to see my dad's grave. Gabriel held me tightly in his loving embrace as I cried and sobbed in his thewy chest for hours, unable to stop the waterfall of hurt-filled tears. He stayed with me there for as long as I needed, finally getting closure after 15 years of disorientation and agony. All of it was draining, hard, suffocating, but at the same it liberated me.

I learnt the truth, even though it is wounding and bitter. I know that my dad is in the better place, watching over me, and I will do my best to make him proud of the daughter he always raised me. So I began by keeping my promise to him, which I made when I was 5 - keep my heart pure and kind. I started by letting go of all contempt, which I felt for only 1 person - my mother. Yes, she is dead, but I still felt unutterable hatred towards her for all her wrong doing towards me and my dad. I found strength to let it go and I feel so damn free and good now: no demons hold me back, I don't have any fears left, I don't have nightmares any more and I feel so light at heart.

In passed-by April Gabriel and I decided to unite our Mafias for multiple reasons, all of which are only beneficial. We did all paperwork, talking with our men, planning, rearranging, moving and shuffling. It was a lot of work, but together we did it fast while having so much fun, like a sublime team that we are.

And in-between all of that, we enjoyed our perfect marriage: dates, picnics, kisses, cuddles, movie night, workouts, strolls, walks with Diabolo, cooking and baking sessions, goofing around, hiking, mini trips around England on the weekend, shopping and so many other things. The two of us took up yoga, which we do together 3 times a week, and swimming sessions, which we go for 5 times a week.

My love for him grows and blossoms day by day. He is the greatest thing in my life. I am grateful for him, all the he does for me and I cherish him more than I can describe. Gabe never fails to make me smile and touch the deepest parts of my heart and soul by doing unrealistically sweet, romantic and intimate things for me: be it as simple as breakfast in bed, down to mind-blowing, memorable dinner in the most picturesque places I have ever seen with dancing and stargazing. He is the most perfect husband I could ever dream of.

Today is Tuesday and, alas, there was some emergency Gabriel had to tend to in Madrid. He's been there for 2 days now and he should be back on Friday. We FaceTime each morning and get dressed, eat breakfast together; then we call and text each other throughout the day before doing the same thing, like in the morning, in the evening. It is very dull and odd without my beloved husband by my side, but I know that we will be together again in no time.

The morning sunbeams peered in the room through the tiny slit between sun-block curtains, making me sigh. I nuzzled into Gabriel's side of the bed more, hiding my face in his pillow, which smells so strongly and deliciously of his peppery, spicy, musky, mouth-watering fragrance.

I shifted to pull soft, cosy covers higher on myself, only for my eyes to fly wide open when I felt something wet between my thighs.

"What the hell?"- I mumbled sleepily in shock, sitting up and lifting the white covers off.

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