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Ella's P.O.V.

2 months passed by like a blink of an eye. Time flies by when you are having fun. 

Entire December we spent in London, working diligently and daily side-by-side. Christmas and New-Year we celebrated in Switzerland, where we stayed for the rest of January, having our first trip together, which was so memorable, fun, heartwarming, romantic and cosy. Ever since New-Year's eve I have been officially living with Gabriel. While we were gone, our empires were looked after by our right hands, who nearly shooed us away on our get-aways. 

On St. Valentine's we had very romantic, mellow, cosy date next to the fireplace: cuddling and kissing for hours, sweet I love yous, delicious treats and succulent red wine. It was the most sublime way to celebrate our first St. Valentine's Day.

Perfect doesn't cover half of how blissful our lives are right now. Cuddles 24/7, kisses, dates indoors and outdoors, we workout and go for runs together, morning and evening walks with Diabolo, who grew up unrealistically fast in mere 2 months. We keep an eye on our Mafias and business, leaning from each other with interest and admiration. 

In January we slowly began to plan our dream wedding, which we are looking forward to immensely. The wedding planner is a big help, might I say. Gabe and I set the list of guests, keeping it as intimate as possible, so 60 people on total. 

Most of the guests are his family because on my side it is just uncle, Rosalind and her husband, Aron, Zachary and his husband, and a few of my friends, whom I've known for years. I don't consider that wench or her family part of my life, therefore, I do not want them anywhere near this joyful, positive, lovely day, which is everything to Gabe and I. I want this day to go by without scandals, drama and hurt. 

Today is February 16th, Tuesday. I am to have the first fitting for my wedding dress, which is custom-made by Chanel. Gabriel has his Armani tuxedo fitting today too. 

I am here alone because I want to keep the dress my way and knowing how much people like to voice out their opinion when not asked, it will be impossible to do what I want. 

"Thank you."- I told Willow, my personal stylist, and she replied happily before leaving. 

My trailed along my reflection in the mirror and I smiled, genuinely feeling at my best. 

I am happy and getting healthier. I am loved so truly and devotedly by the most perfect man in the world, whom I adore with everything in me. I have such cute, new, little friend - black Doberman Diabolo. I have lovely, kind, supportive friends and family. 

After years of pain, hurt, loneliness, misery, gloominess and numbness I am finally free of my demands, I am really satisfied with myself and I am leaning to love myself the way I am. 

Those things are the greatest gifts of mine. 

I stepped out of the grand changing room and stepped on the podium as designers approached me, smiling friendlily. I explained what I really like about the gown and what details I would like to change as they listened respectfully, noting down my wishes. 

Originally I wanted 1 dress because we planned to have only a ceremony, not wanting any wild partying, but after talking about it for some more, we agreed to have a fun celebration because it is such a big, crucial step in our lives, the day is celebration of our love, so we might as well treat it like one. 

So that's why I have 2 dresses: one is more gown-like and the other is for the reception - classy, elegant, very beautiful and sexy enough.

Jewellery is by Cartier - earrings, necklace and bracelets. Heels are by Jimmy Choo. We discussed veil options with the team of stylists, tailors and they showed me how the 1st dress would look like with veil, giving me 8 different pieces so I could get a better idea of the right one for me. I told them which I like the most and they drew up a sketch of my veil, making me smile at how elegant it looks. I don't need a veil for reception.

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