Cincuenta y uno.

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2 weeks later.

2 in the morning.

Ella's P.O.V.

I shifted for billionth time, pouting in frustration, tears escaping from me as I couldn't settle cosily yet again. 

"Is everything alright, mi amor?"- asked smokily Gabriel, waking up because of me and it only made me blink away more tears. 

"Shh, don't cry, dulzura."- soothed my beloved man, wrapping me in his muscular, big, inked arms, pulling me closer to himself. 

"I cannot settle to sleep. It is uncomfortable in all positions and my back hurts from all the tossing and turning."- I spoke sadly, nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck, feeling so goddamn tired and sleepy; hormones don't make it better. 

I should have gotten a maternity pillow, like he advised yesterday when we were shopping for maternity clothes, but I was too needy in cherry ice cream and hot, passionate sex with my handsome husband to care about it and now I regret my impatience and needfulness. 

"Shh, we can solve it just fine, angel. Don't cry, darling."- said warmly Gabe, kissing the top of my head. 

His large, masculine, warm hand gently held my upper leg, covering the size of my thigh utterly, and he laid my leg across his hips before tenderly rubbing my back, massaging it, making me sigh in relief. 

"Is it better, mi leona?"- he asked lovingly, easing soreness of my back more and more by massaging it so good. 

"Sí, mi vida."- I murmured in his neck softly, my eyes fluttering close as I finally relaxed and settled comfily. 

"Good. Get some sleep, baby girl."- said calmly Gabriel, kissing my temple. 

"Can you rub my back for some more, please, my love?"- I asked gently, my cheek nuzzling against his strapping chest. 

"Of course, princessa."- replied affectionately my husband, continuing to massage my back pleasantly, soothing me back to sleep in matter of minutes. 

Gabriel's P.O.V.

We woke up at 8AM, being nicely rested and refreshed. Deciding to kick the day off in a great way, we worked out together in our home gym.

Everything is perfect nowadays. 

In 2 weeks we peacefully settled in our new home and are slowly preparing for the arrival of our little squishy. We prepared the nursery for the decorating and designing: the room was cleaned up, aired and we chose possible interior design for our little bubble of joy, keeping it neutral and classy. 

Ella is doing extremely well and I am beyond thankful for that. She has pleasant, smooth, easy pregnancy. Watermelon doesn't leave our household and made itself a prior food here. We are happily educating ourselves about newborns, learning more about pregnancies and babies step by step. Regular strolls in our garden or around neighbourhood with our pup are part of our daily routine that we grew to adore so much. 

Our little baby is kicking a lot more now. Neither of us can get enough of it. I love to spend my quality time with her perfect, ideally round baby bump, which grew a lot in the last week. Our family album is slowly coming together as we add mellow, beautiful pictures nearly every day. 

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