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Ella's P.O.V.

I will never get enough of this. 

Morning sunlight highlighted his prepossessing, perfectly sculpted face, making his dewy, clear, smooth, sun-kissed skin look extra luminous. Soft, voluminous, naturally slightly curly, midnight black hair is messy as a few strands fall across his handsome face. 

Broad, manly shoulders; strapping and vast back; rugged, powerful, inked arms with veins popping in the right places; finally chiselled chest; lean waist; hard, defined, flawlessly honed 6 pack; deep, veiny V-line vanished beneath black Gucci boxers-brief; attractive hips; long, toned legs. 

Spicy, peppery, musky, mouth-watering fragrance is strong and surrounds me everywhere, just like I like it. Lavish, shiny, platinum ring glimmers brightly in the sunlight, giving me butterflies. My name is tattooed right underneath his collarbone, making my heart race at how heartwarming and sweet it is.

He is godly. 

I tenderly moved stars of his silky hair off his forehead, smiling as hoarse hum sounded while muscled, inked arms pulled me closer to vigorous body. I kissed his forehead, grinning when his cute dimples and award-winning smile appeared. 

"Happy Birthday, my love."- I whispered to the love of my life as his mesmerising, fathomless, hypnotising, Egyptian blue eyes fluttered open. 

"Happy Birthday, mi amor."- spoke huskily Gabriel with a dreamy smile, capturing my lips in a tender kiss. 

My arms wrapped around his neck and I kissed him back gently, both of us relishing in our peaceful bubble. Gabe laid me on top of his rock-hard, robust body and trailed his large, soft, warm, veiny hands along my skin with so much affection and fondness. 

"I love you so much, baby."- I whispered profoundly, pecking him dotingly. 

"I love you more than anything and anyone, baby girl."- he whispered sincerely, cupping my cheek lovingly, indulging me in a slow, intimate, passionate kiss. 

I am so glad I flew out here yesterday because there is no other way I'd like to celebrate my birthday, which is on the same day as his own. There is nothing better than turning 21 together with the love of you life. 

I smiled as Gabriel kissed me fondly while scooping me in his strong arms bridal-style, carrying me to the bathroom. 

"I hope you are ready to be spoiled the hell out of, princesa."- stated Gabriel warmly, sitting me on the sink area, standing between my legs. 

"I hope you are to see your first surprise."- I innocently said with a smile, knowing that somehow I was able to keep it away from his eyes all day yesterday. 

I nudged down the waistband of my high-waist thong and Egyptian blue eyes trailed down as knees-buckling smile adorned his plump lips. He traces the cursive letters with his thumb, keeping his gaze on the spot. 

"It is perfect."- stated warmly Gabriel, kissing me fondly before his eyes attached to the tattoo again. 

"It is sexy as fuck, baby."- he said devilishly, smirking tantalisingly, and I kissed him lushly. 

His name in his cursive handwriting is inked on the left side of my hip. I got it on the same day he left to Madrid because I wanted to be able to take off the patch by today. 

"Let's get matching tattoos, princesa."- said Gabe with a dreamy smile, hugging me tight to himself. 

"Absolutely."- I agree happily, already looking forward to the plan. 

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