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Ella's P.O.V.

I cannot sleep. 

I want bloodshed. I want to know the truth. I want her to die. 

I hit a punching bag harshly, menacingly and haltingly. Punch after another, I didn't hold back. 

This is my fault. I should have kept looking for dad, but I let myself indulge in happiness and tranquility. I should have been more persistent and I should have gone with him on June 13th, I should have been with him, I should have kept him away from harm. 

I am horrible daughter. I am disgrace to his legacy. 

Tender hug from behind made me stop. Muscular, rugged, tattooed arms secured around my waist and feathery kiss was laid on my shoulder.

"Why are you here and not in bed in my arms, mi amor?"- asked huskily, gruffly Gabe, lightly turning me around in his soothing embrace. 

"Because I cannot sleep."- I said numbly, not stopping him from taking off the white boxing gloves. 

"Baby, it is 3 in the morning, you are savagely working out in the gym, punching the bag aggressively."- pointed out Gabriel, his tone warm and calm, easing my tension. 

"What's wrong, darling? Talk to me."- he said pleadingly, kissing my hands and rings tenderly, making me blink away tears. 

"I am such a shitty daughter. I stopped looking for dad for months and look where it got me."- I cracked, shedding tears of pain. 

"I got so wrapped up in my merry bubble that I forgot about my mission. I am selfish, so fucking selfish."- I whispered shakily, blinking away waterfall of tears. 

"Ella, you aren't a shitty daughter and you aren't selfish. For fuck's sake, you got married to me. We went on a honeymoon, you've been getting healthier relationship with food, working on your habits and recovery. You have grown and blossomed so much in the past a few months. Don't you dare say that shit ever again because it is not true."- he stated certainly, cupping my cheek lovingly while hugging me tight to his half-naked, vigorous, powerful body. 

"I am sure that all your dad wanted was your joy, well-being, safety, to be loved and to love. I know that wherever he is, he is exceedingly happy for you, proud of you and loves you no matter what. You only make him proud of what incredibles spirited, valorous, intelligent, benevolent, loyal, stunning woman you are."- spoke sincerely Gabriel, kissing my forehead as I leaned in to his balmy touch, looking down on the floor, my eyes fluttering close.

"Do you regret those months we spent together?"- he asked, hurt and vulnerability swirling in his Egyptian blue eyes. 

My heart broke in billion pieces. 

"I could never regret my time with you. You are the best thing in my life, I am so thankful for you and I love you with all my heart, Gabe."- I spoke profoundly, my tears dropping on his handsome face as our foreheads rested together. 

"Never think that again, my love. I am the happiest with you."- I said softly, kissing his plump lips gently. 

"You are my serenity and home. I cannot be without you."- I whispered from the bottom of my heart, our lips crashing in emotional, passionate, intimate kiss. 

My hands cupped his prepossessing face and I pulled him closer, wrapping my legs around his lean waist once he hoisted me up, holding my up by keeping his hands underneath my thighs. 

"I love you more than anything and anyone, princesa."- he stated genuinely, kissing me lushly. 

"You are my sunshine and without you - your smile, kisses, giggles, cute antics and embrace - it is so fucking hard to live. You're the reason for everything good in my life"- he said in our kiss, making me cry as his words touched my heart in the rawest way possible. 

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