Cuarenta y ocho.

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In the middle of a night.

Ella's P.O.V.

I shifted in discomfort, unable to shake off gut wrenching feeling: something is off. 

"Mi amor, is everything alright?"- asked Gabriel coarsely, kissing my neck as he pulled me closer. 

"Something is not right."- I said shakily, as if feeling eyes on us, as if some horror is about to happen. 

"What do you mean, princesa?"- asked in worry my beloved man, cupping my cheek gently. 

But before I could explain, loud crash echoed from downstairs, making my heart shrink and drop. 

"Gabe, no."- I pleaded softly, holding him so goddamn tight, having had enough of pain after the first time he took a bullet for me. 

"I will be fine, angel, I promise."- he whispered to me, kissing me passionately and tenderly. 

"You have to come back."- I stated firmly, my voice vulnerable and pleading, and teared up as his hand laid on my baby bump while Egyptian blue eyes filled with love, protectiveness and devotion. 

"Siempre, dulzura."- promised Gabriel, kissing my forehead. (Always, sweetness.)

He took the gun out of the nightstand, wore jeans that came in view and went downstairs, loading the silent gun on his way.

I wore his black hoodie over my light blue, sheer undergarments, feeling my heart race in worry and fright. As I got up and was about to approach the balcony to cover the huge glass doors with curtains, a hand covered my mouth from behind. 

"Your hubby will join his daddy soon and as to you, sexy tigress, you are going to be my wife."- mumbled smugly all too damn familiar voice. 


My eyes watered as I realised what morons meant by "join his daddy" - Daniel is dead. It was not him yesterday, it was anyone, but him, in spite of how realistic he looked and sounded like. 

I took a deep breath, my mind wrecking with escape plans, all while I desperately pushed the bastard, whimpering in pain once he gripped my arms harshly and held them behind my back. Unable to use hand, I used my legs: I kicked him in his crotch with all strength I had, causing him to let go of me immediately as he hissed and covered his groin. 

I dashed out of the bedroom, praying that I will reach the second gun, which is hidden in the office, faster than someone catches me. 

"Ella, Ella, Ella. Come here, doll. Don't make it worse for your husband."- coaxed Schmitz from upstairs as I entered the office in rush, getting gun with bullets out of the drawer of the desk. 

With shaky hands I loaded it and quietly went to look for Gabriel, knowing that I am not leaving him alone. It is us against the world, always has been that way and will always be. 

Faster than my senses could process, my gun aimed at one of the intruders and I shot him in his head, feeling sick at the sight and following of my next aims, one by one limp corpses kept falling on the floor with thud noises. 

"Gabriel!"- I nearly whispered in horror, dashing to my husband, who hugged me tightly, kissing my temple over and over again. 

"Shh, baby girl. I am right here."- whispered Gabe, his hand caressing the back of my head. 

"Aww, what a sweet scene."- muttered moron sarcastically, entering the living room.

"What do you want? Why betray everyone's trust?"- asked coldly Gabriel, holding me close, gently leading me behind himself.

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