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Ella's P.O.V.

I snuggled into hard, sinewy, robust body, feeling way too cosy to as much as move my finger. Heavy, strong, very muscular arms are tightly wrapped around my back and waist, keeping me attached to vigorous body. Spicy, lavish, vibrant, musky, tantalising scent surrounds me, keeping me comfortable and relaxed. 

Bloody hell, this is heaven. 

Minutes ticked by as we spelt peacefully, neither of us bothering to open our eyes. But of course, some crap had to pop up - pilot mumbled something about landing in an hour. 

My eyes lazily opened and I bit my lip, smiling at the sight. 

Sunlight highlighted his razor-sharp, defined facial features that are as dreamy as ever. Midnight black, voluminous, velvety hair is messy as a few strands fell across his forehead. Dewy, clear, soft skin is smooth and so pleasant to the touch. His body radiates warms that is so mellow, comfy and alluring. 

He is a sight to wake up to. 

I gently moved a strands of his soft hair away from his sinfully handsome face, blushing as soon as he leaned in to my touch, pulling me impossibly close to his robust body. My heartbeat picked up when Gabriel nestled his prepossessing face in my neck, nuzzling it there, making my cheeks turn rosy. 

"Gabe?"- I whispered to him softly, my smile growing brighter when he set my hand on top of his head, silently asking for head rubs. 

Bloody hell, I doubt I have ever been more eager to do something. My fingers gently ran through his thick, slightly curly hair as he hummed gruffly, cuddling me close to himself, hiding his dreamy face in my neck securely. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair, realising that it is something I am into doing. 

"Joder."- murmured fruitily Gabriel as I rubbed his head tenderly in one spot, smiling when he relaxed even more. (Fuck.) 

"Así de bien, preciosa."- he mumbled in my neck coarsely, his sexy voice getting billion times even more tantalising and deeper. (Just like that, gorgeous.) 

"Cuidado allí. Tal vez te acostumbres."- I said softly, feeling his plump lips curl into a smile. (Careful there. You might get used to it.) 

"Uno: tu español está más allá de lo sensual. Dos: Ya estoy acostumbrado a ese tratamiento matutino, así que eres tú, quien necesita acostumbrarse a esas mañanas y noches."- spoke Gabriel, his hypnotising, bottomless, Egyptian blue eyes locked on mine slowly. (One: your Spanish is beyond sensual. Two: I am already used to such morning treatment, so it is you, who needs to get used to such mornings and evenings.)

"Te gusta cuando te hablo español, ¿verdad, mi ángel?"- asked tantalisingly Gabriel with devilish smirk, seeing my blush. (You like it when I speak Spanish to you, don't you, my angel?) 

I bit my lip, glancing away, knowing damn well that it is true. His Spanish is so damn sexy. The way every letter rolls of his tongue is utterly mouth-watering. I have never heard a language suit someone so much. 

"Mr Hernández, Miss Clark, we are landing in 50 minutes."- announced the pilot, snapping us out of our talk. 

"Mhm, too soon."- mumbled Gabriel, looking exceedingly cute at this very moment. 

He hugged me securely, restraining my movements when I attempted to get up. 

"Don't you dare, mi leona. I want my cuddles, so you better give them to me."- stated surely Hernández, kissing my shoulder, causing me to blush again. 

It hasn't even been 15 minutes since we woke up, yet I blushed more than a few times. 

"Good girl."- he said in satisfaction, smiling adorably, when my arms secured around his neck and I snuggled into him, letting my guard down only for and around him. 

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