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Gabriel's P.O.V.

Morning sunlight highlighted her dewy, silky sleek, smooth skin, creating stunning glimmer to it. Long, voluminous, velvety, chocolate brown hair is in flaws curls that pool on the pillow. 

Natural, angelic beauty is entrancing: perfect brows; naturally very long, thick, dark, bonny lashes frame her enchanting eyes of the most heavenly shade of ocean blue; small, pretty, slightly turned-up nose is as cute as ever; defined cheekbones and jawline. Her lips are heaven-sent - such plump, full, luscious, soft, candied lips of the most beautiful rosy shade. 

Sensual, delicate, hour-glass figure is hidden beneath my white T-shirt with V-neckline, making her look minute as my clothes are way too big for her.

She is a sight to wake up to and I cannot believe I am that lucky one, who gets that joy. 

I tenderly glazed my thumbs over the curve of her slender waist, keeping my arms wrapped around it securely and gently. Covers are pulled very high on us - cute habit of hers that I am addicted to now. Her comely face is nuzzled in my chest as she is snuggled into me, looking invisible in my embrace. Lean, dainty arms are wrapped around my torso so mellowly as she is hugging me, not minding that I am fair 5 times her kitten-like size. 

This is all I could ever dream of. 

Ella slightly shifted, causing something cold brush against my back, making me full-on grin. Diamond ring. 

I have no idea what I've done to deserve such sweet angel in my life, but I sure as hell know that I will give her the world and every star in the sky because she is my preciousness.

"Good morning, my love."- whispered sweetly Ella, tilting her pretty head backwards so our our could lock. 

"Good morning, mi amor."- I replied warmly, my voice sounding much deeper, huskier, coarser and smokier. 

"I really like this one."- she said cutely, addressing the nickname, and I smiled. 

I kissed her forehead, cuddling her precious self lovingly as she hugged me adoringly, making every inch of me brim with delight. 

Ella's P.O.V.

I smiled happily, realising that this fairytale is mine: this handsome, charming, loving, caring, sweet man is my fiancé and we are about to start new chapter of our relationship. This is a dream. 

"Hello to you too, Diabolo."- I giggled and Gabe chuckled when our little puppy climbed between us and nuzzled into us, wiggling his tail cutely. 

"He is much like you. You are like an adorable, cuddly puppy, which Diabolo is."- I said amusedly as the two of us nuzzled into me at the same time. 

"Only you can call me adorable and cuddly, getting away with it all the time."- murmured in my neck Gabriel, hugging me securely, making me smile contentedly. 

"But you are adorable and cuddly. You are indeed very intimidating, vigorous, domineering, powerful Don, but to me you also are so cute and sweet. Come to think of it, I might as well address you as cutie-pie or my squishy."- I spoke softly, giggling as he frowned. 

"Squishy?"- he asked, looking too cuddly for my heart to bear. 

"Oh yeah. My cosy, sweet, handsome, dreamy squishy."- I stated and hid in his strong, muscular, inked arms better, smiling as he kissed my forehead. 

"It is the stupidest, yet the most heartwarming thing you said in the last 24 hours."- chuckled beautifully Gabe, smiling at me mesmerisingly. 

We played with Diablo and after some time we began our day. The two of us did our regiments side by side, goofing around while having such a great time. 

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