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Ella's P.O.V.

Clicking of my heels echoed across the empty hallway. My men nodded at me in acknowledgment, sign of respect. Aron is walking right after me. My hand is tightly holding masculine, large, veiny, soft one as his thumb is gently caressing my hand. 

The search and topic are personal to me, I don't let strangers poke their noses in my life and yet I couldn't leave without Hernández because deep down I know that if moron doesn't give me any useful information, I will need Gabriel more than I probably should. 

"He isn't talking, Boss."- told me Kurt, one of my men, opening the cell door for us. 

I walked inside, switching the light on, and saw a man - bruised and scarred, bleeding. 

"Who are you?"- I asked coldly, standing in my place, examining bastard's appearance. 

He seems oddly familiar.

"Fuck off."- hissed man and I hummed. 

I slipped my hand to my back, thinking that I will find a gun there, but I mentally cursed, remembering that I am still in silk dress with diamond jewellery on me. Just a s I was about to pull my hand out, I felt heavy gun being placed in it. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Gabriel nodding at me, telling me exactly what I was thinking about. 

If head of any Mafia gives you his/her weapon, it is the highest level of trust, which is always taken seriously and put above anything. 

"You will need it, princesa."- he whispered to me and I offered him a small, genuine smile, which seems to be reserved only for him.

I took his gun and loaded it before shooting moron in his left arm, making him cry out in pain. 

"Let's get this straight: I ask and you better answer right away. If you don't talk, I will shoot you."- I said blankly as twat mumbled profanities. 

"Who are you?"- I asked again, watching the man attentively. 

"Lanson Heesters."- answered fool and I sighed, realising who he is: one of wench's boys on a call. Disgusting. 

"What do you know about the night of June 13th?"- I asked harshly, feeling my heart twist at the painful subject. 

"That he couldn't satisfy his hot wife on that day."- chuckled moron and I shoot him in his right arm, shutting him up. 

"What happened that night?"- I asked coldly, aching and burning to find out the truth. 

"I don't know!"- yelled bastard, groaning. 

"I was just fucking Margaret and the next thing I know she said that she has to do something before going for another round with me. I have no damn clue what she did or where she went!"- stated moron, shifting on the chair, being tied up firmly and securely. 

"She must have mumbled something, wench has no filters."- I told him, losing my sanity and hope with every minute passing by. 

"Are you fucking kidding me!? It was years ago. How the hell am I supposed to remember such useless crap?!"- he mumbled and I shoot him between his eyes. 

I handed Gabriel his gun and stormed off, feeling my wall break down without any hope to hold them up. I got in my white Ferrari and hit the pedal, driving off on high speed, wanting to be anywhere, but here. 

Gabriel's P.O.V.

I ran after Ella, ignoring Aron calling for me. I got in my black Ferrari and drove after her, not bothering with buckling up. 

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