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Years ago.

Harry's P.O.V.

"Daddy, wake up."- whispered melodic, angelic voice as feathery kiss was laid on my cheek, making me smile. 

"Good morning, my little princess."- I spoke warmly, hugging my treasure lovingly. 

"Good morning, daddy."- giggled cutely Ella, wrapping her small arms around my neck. 

I kissed her temple before she eagerly reached for the nightstand on the other side of the bed, soon coming back to me. 

"I made you your favourite espresso."- she said winsomely with a smile as I grinned. 

"Thank you very much, darling."- I replied happily, taking the glass from her. 

Ella snuggled into me, pulling covers very high on us, and sighed adorably when I rubbed her back, knowing how much she loves that. I drank the espresso as she told me about how she memorised the process when I was making it with her by my side and how she did everything on her own this time, being such sweetheart. 

"It is the best espresso I have ever had, my little rose."- I said honestly with a smile as her pretty head laid on my lap. 

She told me about what she dreamt about as I twirled around brunette strands of her silky hair. Nice chatter followed as she drank her usual glass of water before breakfast, which she will eat with me, not that wench. 

"My love, would you like to go to work with me?"- I asked her warmly and she smiled brightly. 

"Absolutely."- she agreed in an instant as I chuckled at her precious excitement. 

"Then let's get moving, my little flower."- I said contentedly and she nodded as I kissed her cheek. 

Alas, Margaret will be here all day and I do not want to leave my daughter with her alone: Rosalind is off today, so is her private teacher. I want Ella by my side, safe and sound, smily and cheery. I have to deal with legal business today, so she is more than good to tag along. I know that Ella is exceedingly respectful and courteous, hence why I am not worried about her behaviour. 

We brushed our teeth together and did our routines side by side before I went to quickly get dressed as she walked around the room, looking through framed pictures of herself and me. 

"Are you ready, darling?"- I asked happily, picking her up in my arms. 

"Yes, daddy."- she chirped sweetly, hugging me warmly. 

I carried her to her room and closed the door, not wanting anyone to burst the peaceful bubble of hers because it is beyond rare to see Ella this relaxed first thing in the morning. 

She picked ivory coloured dress to wear, pairing it with suitable shoes. Then I brushed her velvety hair and braided it in Dutch braids, just like she asked. 

As I glanced in the mirror, I couldn't help my smile at the beautiful copy of me. Ella is like my twin when it comes to appearance: hair, eyes, lips, nose, face shape, skin, smile and dimples - all of that she got from me and it makes me euphoric. 

"All set, gorgeous."- I said merrily and kissed the top of her pretty head. 

"Thank you very much, daddy."- chirped sweetly Ella with dazzling smile. 

She turned around and stood the arm chair, on which she was sitting, and hugged me, making me grin. My arms wrapped around her small frame and I kissed her cheek, feeling in the seventh heaven when she giggled melodically, snuggling into me. 

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