Epilogue I.

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Gabriel's P.O.V.

It's been 5 years of our perfect marriage. 5 dreamy, joyful years full of love and happiness. My beloved Ella and I are almost 26, as contented and drunk in love as ever.

Days, weeks, years pass by and our lives keep getting better. Our wildest dreams came true in the most euphoric ways imaginable. 

I keep falling with in love with my wife more and more as minutes tick by. She is the most incredible partner for me, I couldn't even ask of more. Her beauty keeps enchanting me more and more, her kindness never fails to astonish me, her pure heart is full of endless and unconditional love for me and our family. I am the happiest with her, I am loved and wanted, needed and cherished, supported and cared for. My sweetheart never fails to have my back and give me serenity when things go wrong. I adore her with everything in me, I cherish her more than life. 

Our love is that once is a fucking lifetime tale

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Our love is that once is a fucking lifetime tale. I have never though feelings can grow so much, yet they can. Our love beat all odds, it blessed us with something we've been dreaming of so much - our 4 little miracles.

Ella made me a father to 4 incredible, handsome, kindhearted boys. Noah Harry-Stephan Hernández - 4 years old. Ethan Dylan Hernández - 3 years old. Twins Emerson Miles Hernández and Ryan Jonathan Hernández - 2 years old. They are the sweetest, the most caring, the most intelligent, the most courteous sons in the world. 

All of them have heterochromia in different interpretations: Noah's and twins' eyes have complete heterochromia and Ethan has segmental - his one eye is of Egyptian blue shade, but the other is half ocean blue and half Egyptian blue. Boys love it about themselves and we adore this small, unique and special feature about our sons. 

They are my copy in every tiny thing: hair, smile, dimples, nose, lips, brows, antics, habits, preferences - everything. Though, their personalities are definitely mix of Ella's and mine: my protectiveness and territoriality is soothed by her calm, gentle nature; her feistiness is calmed down by my rationality and patience. Our sons have heavenly personalities without exaggerating; they are the most sublime babies ever. 

Boys were born within a time span close to ours: Noah - 03:10; Ethan - 03:05; twins - 03:25. 4 perfectly healthy, hyper, lovely, precious squishies, who love to cuddle to no extend. They know how important they are, they are aware of our family's status and power and how much their safety matters to their mum and me. 

I do my best to give my sons childhood of the most marvellous scales. There is nothing I won't do for them. I worship the ground they walk on, I love them with all my heart and soul. Their sweet smiles and caring hugs are all I need to know that I am doing it right, hearing them tell me how much they love me and how glad they are to have me is by far the most touching and heart-melting thing to me. 

Countless family trips have happened over the years, Ella and I want to give our children the universe and the world. Spain and Britain are 2 number 1 spots for our babies; they indeed took best of both worlds. We raised them as bilinguals - English and Spanish. 

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