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Ella's P.O.V.

2 weeks. 

In 2 weeks Gabriel and I took down 4 Russian bases and ruined their stocks. I must admit, he is amazing leader and exceedingly nice to work with: swift, very intelligent, attentive, thoughtful, rational, quick, creative and professional. He is cold, emotionless, brutal with everyone, except me. 

In 2 weeks we grew closer and at first it scared me to no extend, causing me to take 1 big step one day and take 10 steps back right on the next day. Hernández is beyond patient, kind, caring, thoughtful, courteous, affectionate, understanding, sensitive and tender with me. He doesn't pressure me and gives me space when I need it. On my side, I try to listen to him more, to compromise and to try to eat - 1 proper meal, which is breakfast, and 1 snack throughout the day.

My diet is something Gabriel doesn't toy with. If I thought that I will just tell him that I ate or something like that, I was so wrong. He comes over my place every single morning at 7:50 without fail and makes breakfast for us, keeping my portion, which we adjusted after long while of negotiating - small, but with an extra 2 spoonfuls of whatever I am eating. Hernández taught me how to cook those dishes and I found myself enjoying the private lessons to no extend with him guiding me through every little thing with so much care, gentleness and warmth.

Because of him I tried many things I have never eaten before: chia pudding, greek yogurt, granola, acai berry parfait, baked apple with raisins and cinnamon and banana bread, which took him so long to get me to try. All of those things tasted much better than I thought they would and I actually ate entire portions, truly liking the food, and it pleased him to no extend - every single time I finished my plate or bowl, beyond charming and bright smile adorns his plump, full, soft lips. 

I had stomachache nearly everyday last week because my system was freaking out, not being used to that much food to digest and he always took care of me in ways I have never though person could be looked after. I had ache to the point I just had no strength to as much as sit up and he was there for me, giving me tranquility and comfort that I thought I would never feel. 

I am much more comfortable with him being around me nearly all day, I let him hold my hand whatever he wants and don't jolt when he touches me purposely or by accident. As much as I refused to believe it at first, I have to admit that I actually enjoy his presence greatly and am getting used to seeing his imposing self very first thing in the morning.  

Today is Friday and I am hesitating to answer Hernández's question, which he asked me on Monday - will I go on a date with him. 

"Bloody hell."- I mumbled, feeling lost and scared. 

I couldn't say no back then because my heart twisted so damn painfully at the mere thought of turning him down and yet my demons reminded that I shouldn't get close to him. 

Just as I though that I can dwell in peace, I saw Zachary walk in the lounge, where I am sitting on the arch chair. 

"I know what you are thinking about."- he stated warmly in care and I sighed softly. 

"In the last 2 weeks how many times you held his hand on your own?"- asked Zach and I took a moment to recall that. 

"A lot."- I almost whispered, remembering all those moments: during meetings, every single time he walked me to the door of my house, during meals which we had together. Other times were his initiative. 

"Why?"- asked Zachary with smug smile and I looked away, hating how he made me admit to myself why. 

"He is good for you, Ella. You need each other and fit like pieces of puzzle."- stated my friend, smiling widely. 

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