Cuarenta y uno.

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Gabriel's P.O.V.

I smiled in joy, gazing at my beloved's stomach, where my hand has been all night long. I gently glazed my thumb over her belly, my heart soaking and fluttering in ecstasy. 

I have not had the most colourful and the happiest childhood, I had to grow up at a very young age, I have never know what is mother's care and love. Starting from the age of 6 I was treated like adult, therefore, I did not have time and chance to act like a kid. 

To tell the truth, I know nothing about fatherhood, but I know that I will always go out of my way for my child, whom I already adore with all my heart and soul. My dad was in my life only for 5 years, but he loved me and did his best for me daily; he was my mother and father in one. I will do everything I can to be the most incredible dad for my baby, there is nothing I won't do for or give her or him. 

Ella granted me everything I couldn't even dream of. 

I thought I am incapable of loving, let alone being loved, but she proved me wrong: I fell in love with her at the very first glance and her precious, golden heart is my home. I proposed to the woman of my wildest dreams and now we are contentedly married. We are creating a home of our own and fuck, the timing couldn't be more perfect. 

Our love create somebody so tiny and indescribably precious. Bloody hell, I am not into those tales and all that crap, but there is indeed something so damn special about this: all it took was just her and I, no medical inputs and therapies that doctors kept drilling our heads about. We are excepting a little baby, a mini version of us and I couldn't be happier. 

She blessed me with the most perfect, the most priceless things and I have no words to describe how thankful I am. 

I gentle caressed her slat stomach, grinning in delight, already getting lost in my bubble and daydreams. Now all I hope and pray for is for my beloved to have it as easy and smooth as possible and for her and our baby to be healthy, safe and happy.

My grin grew brighter and wider as she made the cutest snuggle into me, curling in a tiny ball in my arms. I kissed her cheek, keeping my arm around her bonny, dainty back, glazing my thumb over her toned stomach. 

I glanced my Ella, feeling butterflies and sparks all over myself. Our baby will be breathtaking because she is unutterable stunning. God, if we have a girl, I really want her to be exact copy of my wife: eyes, nose, brows, lashes, lips, hair, hands, smile, dimples, laugher, antics - everything. I want a mini Ella running around, giggling and smiling, being our little princess and sweetie. 

"I want a boy."- murmured my sweetheart cutely, smiling dazzlingly. 

"Mhm, we can compromise, princesa."- I said surely, pecking her tenderly, smiling as her plump, full, luscious, candied lips pressed into mine in a slow, loving kiss. 

"How?"- she wondered preciously, wrapping her dainty arms around my neck. 

"Well, you did say you want 4 kids and I am very fond of that idea."- I replied happily, feeling so fucking excited at the mere thought of our perfect family. 

3 sons and 1 baby girl. 3 princes and 1 little princess. I will have 2 ladies to spoil, pamper, adore and worship and 3 little gentlemen to raise. 

My heart skipped a beat once Ella smiled gorgeously and so fucking joyfully, indulging me in the sweetest kiss imaginable. I hugged her tight to myself, relishing in our moment. She lightly pulled me on top as I leaned on my forearms, stopping as billion worries filled my mind. 

"Can we have sex still? Maybe no? What if I hurt you or our baby? And what if you are not supposed to lay on your back now?"- I asked in utmost concern, sitting up in worry of her being under my weight. 

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