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Gabriel's P.O.V.

I woke up to the most tender hold of my hand. My eyes opened and ecstatic smile formed on my face as I saw my Ella by my side; she is sleeping on the arm-chair, being very close to the bed. 

I gently caressed her small hand with my thumb as she shifted, ocean blue eyes fluttering open immediately. 

"Gabe."- almost whispered Ella, her eyes watering, and I smiled at her. 

She instantly hugged me tightly, yet so tenderly and carefully, kissing my cheek fondly. My arms wrapped around her tiny waist as I held her tightly to myself, greedily breathing in her sweet, alluring coconut odour that is my air.

"Say it, angel."- I whispered to her, smiling brighter as she blushed winsomely, our eyes locked and foreheads resting together. 

"I love you with all my heart, Gabe."- spoke so meaningfully and adoringly Ella, pecking me fondly, as my heart soared in joy. 

"I love you more than life itself, handsome."- she whispered sweetly, our lips melting in a slow, tender kiss. 

I cupped her gorgeous face and kissed her passionately, feeling over the moon. She smiled gently at me and hugged me lovingly, laying cute kiss on my nose, making me grin. 

Her small, soft, warm hand delicately traced the scar on my stomach as her ocean blue eyes followed her slender, dainty fingers. I kissed her luscious, plump, full lips fondly, getting her attention. 

"It's over, baby girl. Everything is fine, bellezza."- assured her warmly, tucking a strand of her silky, voluminous, rich brown hair behind her ear.

Hell is over. The past doesn't hold us back or scare us. Our demons are gone and forgotten. We are free and can enjoy our lives together, nurture our relationship and love each other. 

"I am debating whether I want to kiss you until we are panting for air or to curse and lecture the bloody hell out of you."- spoke adorably Ella, looking so cute, and I chuckled. 

"You can do both, though, I think, we both prefer the first option."- I said contentedly as she smiled at me dazzlingly. 

I kissed her beautiful, small nose before she called the doctor, much to my dismay; I'd rather have her all to myself without interruptions. 

Ella's P.O.V.

The doctor ran some tests and checked on Gabe, quickly making conclusion that after a week of recovery in medical coma, his system is recovering remarkably quickly and well; his system also accept my blood without any issues, which speeded up his recovery. 

"If he has someone to look after him 24/7, he can leave as soon as now as there is nothing concerning."- stated doctor and I smiled at Gabriel, who is holding my hand gently. 

"He does."- I replied profoundly, not missing how charmingly Gabe smiled at me, clearly liking my answer. 

"Wonderful. I will make sure all papers are ready and you can sign him out."- replied doctor before leaving. 

"Does that mean you will be my side 24/7, mi leona?"- wondered Gabriel, kissing my hand charmingly, giving me butterflies. 

"It does. I will never leave you, so you better get used to having me around all the time."- I said surely and that was all it took for him to smile like a puppy. 

Bloody hell, he is so adorable and cuddly. 

In a few minutes I signed him out and took his painkillers. Doctor gave me advice about how to take care of his bandage and I thanked him before going back to Gabe, who is already itching to get out of here. 

I unlocked my white Mercedes SUV and we got it, buckling up before I drove off to his mansion. My heart fluttered as his large, beautifully inked, veiny hand laid on my thigh and thumb tenderly rubbed it. 

In some 20 minutes we arrived at his place and excited the car before I locked it. We went inside and his spicy, musky, tantalising scent hit me, relaxing every inch of me. God, he smells so good. 

"Are you up for pasta for dinner, Gabe?"- I wondered genuinely, smiling as muscular, tattooed, strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind, pressing my back against rock-hard, sinewy front. 

"You have no idea how happy I am that you eat well, angel."- he murmured in my neck, hugging me mellowly, making my smile widen. 

"I love you, Gabe."- I said profoundly, giggling as he eagerly turned me around, hoisting me up effortlessly as my legs secured around his lean waist and arms wrapped around his neck. 

"Say it again, baby."- he nearly pleaded, looking so cute and sweet, keeping his powerful arms around my waist. 

"I love you more than I can explain, handsome. I love you for your dreamy smile, captivating eyes, genuine care, incomparable tenderness, wholesome kindness, unbelievable strength, sexy intelligence, gorgeous midnight black hair, hot tattooed, sweet kisses and the most perfect cuddles."- I spoke from the bottom of my heart, kissing his beautiful nose gently. 

"I love you so much, Ella. I adore you with all my heart, mi leona."- stated sincerely Gabriel, kissing my face heartwarmingly, making me smile in delight. 

I hugged him tightly, keeping my touch gentle, and he relaxed in my arms, holding me mellowly. 

Right here, right now I realised what is home to me. 

Gabe. He is my home. As long as he is with me, I know that I am safe, cared about, wanted, appreciated and most of all - loved for who I am, accepted and needed. He is my everything.

After a few more minutes of cosy hugging, he went to take a shower and I ordered take-out for us: pasta Carbonara and vegetable salad. with lemon juice as dressing. I made us lemonade meanwhile.

Gabriel's P.O.V.

I was careful with bandages only because my cute lioness told me that if I as much as wrinkle them, I won't get to hold her hand, let alone kiss and cuddle her. So to say the least, I was as cautious with them as with some kitten. 

I wore loose, white tank-top with black sweatpants and towel-dried my hair once more before heading downstairs, being done with shower, shaving off overgrown stubble and my regiment. As I entered the kitchen, I stopped in my tracks, smiling at the heartwarming sight. 

Long, velvety, voluminous, chocolate brown hair is up in a messy bun as small strands frame her gorgeous face. Silky, dewy, clear, exceedingly sleek skin is luminous. No makeup at all. Her natural, enchanting, mesmerising beauty is utterly exposed. She is naturally beyond stunning. 

White crop-top shows off her tiny waist and flat stomach. Lean, petite arms are as appealing as ever. Black jeans cling to her dainty, impeccable hips and slim, long legs remarkably well. Her toned, firm, round, fit, springy, deliciously big ass looks just as succulent. 

She is cutting lime, looking minute in the grant, spacious, black-white kitchen. 

I approached her from behind and my hands laid on the sides of her tiny waist as my chin rested on her dainty shoulder.

"You are breathtaking, Ella."- I said profoundly, grinning as her perfectly sculpted cheeks turned pink. 

I kissed her cheek and hugged her tenderly, relishing in her sweet fragrance of vanilla that I am addicted to. 

"I will get it, princesa."- I spoke calmly, kissing her shoulder gently, and she nodded. 

I went to get our take-out and came back to her as soon as I was done. In a few minutes we ate on the terrace, cuddling and chatting bout random, fun things, having a good laugh together. 

We hang out together for who knows how long, doing nothing, except hugging and cuddling. Movies, walk in the garden, chats, laughers smiles, simple and heartwarming affection. 

This is what I want each day to be like. 

I want her to be my forever until the end of times. 

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