Treinta y nueve.

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Ella's P.O.V.

I snuggled into warm, rock-hard, thewy, powerful body, smiling sleepily as spicy, peppery, musky, mouth-watering fragrance surrounded me. Mhm, that's a marvellous boost of good mood. 

"Good morning, mi amor."- spoke very huskily, gruffly and fruitily Gabriel, running his long, slender fingers through my hair.

"Good morning, mi vida."- I replied softly, gazing in his spellbinding, bottomless, beyond beautiful, Egyptian blue eyes. 

I bit my lip as his plump, soft lips attached to my neck and large, veiny, inked hands squeezed my ass, pulling my hips closer to his attractive ones. I laid my upper leg across his hips, moaning as his massive hard-on pressed against my core. 

"Mhm, fuck."- muttered coarsely Gabe, groaning hoarsely in my neck, as I rubbed against him. 

My hand skimmed along his delicious, defined, honed to perfection 6 pack and deep V-line before palming his dick. My teeth sunk in my bottom lip harshly as I felt his rock-hard, long, thick erection.

I slipped my hand in his boxers-brief and stroke his length steadily, circling my hand, moaning as he sucked on my sweet spot, squeezing my breast and ass in his masculine, warm, soft hands. He took off my bra and pulled me closer, my bare breasts pressed against his robust chest. I removed my silk thong and he took off his boxers-brief, running his tip along my folds, making me sigh at the sensitive friction. 

"You are so fucking tight."- spoke smokily my husband, sinking his 10-inches long cock in me, as I moaned, adjusting to the slow, yet rough penetration. 

My hips pressed against his own, my arm is around his neck and one of my hands is on his vast chest, scratching it lightly. He gripped my ass firmly once he was buried deep in me, being all the way in. 

"Bloody hell, you feel so good, baby."- I spoke against his lips, moaning as he pulled half-way out and slowly, yet libidinously slammed back in. 

Egyptian blue eyes darkened, grasp of my ass tightened as he groped it, fucking me slowly and lushly - delirious friction. His big, thick dick hit my g-sport in such satisfying angle, sending shivers down my spine. 

"Look down, baby girl."- whispered sensually Gabriel and I sold my soul to the devil as I watched how he thrusted in and out of me, pushing so damn far and deep. 

I moaned sheerly, holding onto his broad shoulders as he slapped my ass roughly, slamming in my wet pussy salaciously and torturously slowly. He feels twice his size with such tempo: mellowly pace, rough motions and quick pulling out. 

"Do you want to cum, princesa?"- asked domineeringly Gabe, landing firm slap on my ass again, making passionate thrust in me. 

Nothing expect wanton moan left my mouth as I relished in pleasure, aching for more friction. It is not enough and like devil he is, he only slowed down even more, making me sigh in frustration. 

"Please."- I begged, scratching his shoulders, unable to bear the wet, throbbing feeling between my legs. 

"Please what, bellezza?"- he coaxed tantalisingly, licking my neck, kissing it, making me moan in need. 

"Please, make me cum, master."- I pleaded impatiently, moaning licentiously when he pounded in my pussy better, giving me what I want. 

Yet I want more. 

"Touch me."- I said softly, moving his hand down, and he smirked devilishly, rubbing my clit much faster than thrusting in me, causing my eyes to roll back. 

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