Cuarenta y cuatro.

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Ella's P.O.V. 

I am now 9 weeks pregnant. Our little squishy is as big as a strawberry. The pregnancy is very smooth and pleasant, better than I could dream of. We still keep this little blessing to ourselves, wanting to share it once I am showing. For now we just enjoy our bubble and keep recording pregnancy diary, making our very first family video-journal. 

We go to doctor once a month, so today is the day of yet another appointment. The two of us have a couple of questions, so we'd like to get answers today. I sleep well, eat clean and nicely, workout 5 days a week, do yoga with Gabe, we go on regular evening strolls with our pup and swim in the pool.

I am tiny and by tiny I mean that I do not look pregnant at all, let alone 9 weeks. By now I should have some small bump, but my stomach is as good as flat. I don't even look like I am at least a tiny bit bloated. Doctor assured us that it is absolutely normal considering my weight, height, athletic development, lifestyle, medical history and diet. Doctor Scott said that in my case I should start showing around 15 weeks, give or take. 

My craving is watermelon, I want it very often and in unmeasurable amounts and due to this needy craving we are in Madrid because my beloved, exceedingly caring and protective husband does not like watermelons, which we could get in London since, apparently, they are not utterly ripe and fresh. I am just happy that I have watermelon 24/7 and the sunny, hot, pleasant weather is definitely a huge, fat, delightful bonus. We've been here for 2 weeks now.

Gabriel is the best partner. I have never thought that he could get any more tender, but he did. Everyday he does something so damn sweet and loving for me for no reason, he tends to my every single need, gives me billion times more attention and love - there is just nothing he doesn't do for me. My love for him blossoms immensely and I cannot get enough of his moment with my belly: every single evening and morning he hugs my belly, kisses and caresses it, whispering the most touching and precious things to our little squishy. 

All in all, everything is great. 

Today I have a couple of beauty procedures. Then we have doctor's appointment at 3PM. Gabriel is at warehouse, checking how is everything going here in Spain. 

And I may have been in bed until 9AM because sleep turned out to be so sweet last night. Once I opened my eyes, I giggled as Diabolo licked my shoulder, wiggling his tail happily. I hugged my big puppy and kissed his muzzle, getting satisfied bark in reply. I rubbed his muzzle gently wheel taking my phone, grinning as messages from my favourite person are already waiting for me. 

"Good morning, mi amor. How are you and our little squishy? Call me once you wakeup, darling, I want to hear you sweet voice."

I early dialled him, grinning in joy as I rolled on his side, nuzzling into his pillow, relishing in his divine fragrance. 

"Hi, handsome. How are you, mi vida?"- I spoke contentedly, feeling over the moon. 

"Hi, bellezza. I am good. How are you and our little one?"- replied warmly Gabriel, his velvety and husky voice sounding like honey. 

"We are doing great, baby."- I responded profoundly, gently laying my hand on my stomach, smiling brighter as I glanced at it.

We conversed lovingly, ending up FaceTiming. I peacefully did my morning skincare and brushed my teeth while listening to my dreamy husband, admiring how delicious and prepossessing he is. 

"Breakfast is waiting for you, princesa."- said Gabriel as I headed downstairs, not missing his devilish smirk and predatory gaze on my chest, which is in his clear view, considering that I am wearing white lace and his black, silk, unbuttoned shirt on top. 

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