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Ella's P.O.V.

Entire month passed since the confession of Gabriel's love for me and my health condition. The two of us have been getting much closer; it is different type of close: it's that intimate, vulnerable, deep, close-knit and most of all - trusting type of close. He helps me to get better, never pressures me, never makes me feel obliged, and this time I meet him half-way, trying my best to overcome my demons. 

My diet is much better: I eat 2 proper meals a day with a small snack between them. I don't exhaust myself in the gym and my workouts are now something I enjoy a lot since I do what I want and not what I was commanded to. I gained 1 pound, so that's promising. My figure is still delicate, very slim and hour-glass, but the changes are noticeable: I am more alert, hyper, active and I am more relaxed.

Taking Gabe's advice, I told Rosalind and uncle about everything: physical and verbal abuse, malnutrition, PCOS, trust issues and attempts of ending my life. They were very loving and understanding: they didn't judge, pity or lecture me. Rosalind and uncle Kevin were very happy to learn that I am also getting better bit by bit and their truly relived, delighted and supportive smiles made me want to try more. 

But what really keeps me sane is Gabriel. Bloody hell, as much as I tried to hate the fact that a man makes me happy and completes me, in the end of the day I need him and long for him so badly. I am addicted to waking up and falling asleep next to him, having his embrace whenever I please, velvety voice that is my music and remedy, antics that give me butterflies, habits of his that I cannot go a day without, his demands of my attention and touch, his heartwarming and genuine care and tenderness. 

Every single morning without fail Gabriel whispers those three little words to me so sincerely and meaningfully and kisses me gently, making my heart flutter. Every single evening he does the same thing and cuddles me, hugs me tightly and closely to himself all night long, being my serenity and heaven. 

I hate myself for being unable to say it out-loud, for seeing twinkles of hope in Egyptian blue eyes fade away as days pass by without me being able to tell him how I really feel. I hate to hurt him, I hate to keep him waiting, I hate to upset him, but I am greedy for him, I am needy in him - I won't let him go because there is no way I can live without him. 

I need Gabe more than anything and I am comfortable with the fact that he is my world. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him. 

Knock on the door brought me back to reality, making my eyes lock on hypnotising, bottomless, Egyptian blue ones.

"Ready, princesa?"- asked softly Gabriel in his honeyed, coarse, deep, low, husky, smoky, fruity voice.

I nodded, sighing quietly, and he took long, confident sides towards me, stopping right behind me. 

His hard, vigorous front pressed against my back as his 6'6 frame towered over my 5'7 self. His minty, hot breath glazed over my skin - feeling that I am helplessly addicted to. Plump, full, soft lips laid  feathery kiss on my cheek as large, veiny, inked, warm hands took hold of my waist, pulling me closer to his sinewy body, warmth of which kept me so safe and so mellow. 

"Promise me that you won't stray away from me, bellezza."- spoke Gabriel, vulnerability leaned in his tantalising, husky voice. 

"I know that you can protect yourself, but I need you to be by my side, where I can keep you away from harm. Don't argue with me about this, angel."- he almost whispered, care and sincerity tangled in his open, genuine tone. 

"Only if you promise me to go when I tell you so."- I said shakil, my hands laying on top of his big ones. 

"No fucking way I am promising you that bullshit."- stated surely Gabriel, turning me around in his arms. 

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