Cuarenta y seis.

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Ella's P.O.V. 

It's been a month of uncontrollable mess. 

Attacks happened to all Mafia leaders, same goal was intended: to kill them. We keep travelling back and forth to meetings and conferences all over the globe, all Mafias are in alliance to eliminate whoever is so bold and stupid to mess with us. 

It is stressful, but most of all - frightening. I am scared for my husband, our child, myself, our families. We stay inside 24/7, don't go out more than needed, doctor's appointments happen very early in the morning or very late in the evening. It is mortifying and worrying, I don't want anything to happen to my family. The uncertainty of tomorrow, fear of losing the most important and precious people in my life - I don't want it.

I am 16 weeks pregnant, that is the start of my 4th month. Everything is great, I couldn't even dream of better pregnancy for myself: my skin is in a flawless state, I am still slim and fit, clean diet, no nasty cravings, no nausea, no headaches, no mood swings. I tend to have very slight backache at times, but that's nothing unbearable or uncomfortable. Pregnancy video-diary is being made daily, cute photos and wholesome moments are irreplaceable parts of our lives.

We still hope to move in our home by November since construction is going sublimely. Gabriel is the most perfect husband and partner ever, fatherhood will suit him to no extend. I have no words how to describe his attitude to my pregnancy, our marriage, our life and our little squishy. He is beyond my wildest dreams. 

Today is June 20th, Thursday, 11:30. 

I am at the airport, waiting for my beloved man to come back from U.S.A. He was there for a week on a meetings with Mr Levi, discussing the latest attack on the Levi family - wife, 5 kids and Mr Levi himself. 

I exited the black Rolls-Royce, being used to 10 bodyguards around me 24/7. As all too familiar jet landed safely, I grinned in excitement and joy. 

Gabriel's P.O.V. 

"Gabe!"- spoke sweetly my beloved, dashing to me, and I grinned, sweeping my baby girl off her feet, twirling her around. 

As if on a switch, shit load of baggage was taken off my shoulders once her plump, full, luscious, candied lips melted into mine in a slow, loving, tender kiss. I held her close and tight in my arms, gladly returning the lush, amorous kiss, feeling at my best and happiest. 

I carefully set her on her feet, keeping my arms around her tiny, slender waist. I kissed her forehead, finally being at home. Fuck, that week was a torture.

"We missed you so much."- whispered softly Ella, blinking away tears that I rushed to kiss away. 

"I missed you two immensely. So-so damn much."- I stated sincerely, cupping her cheek gently. 

Ella took my hand delicately and laid it on her belly, only for me to glance at it. It took mere second for my eyes to water. 

She is stunning, there is no denying that. 

Gorgeous makeup compliments her natural, bewitching beauty. Long, velvety, lustrous, voluminous hair of the most appealing, rich, chocolate brown colour cascades down her back in flawlessly straight strands. Dewy, clear, luminous skin is softer and smoother than silk. 

White dress compliments her dainty, desirable, mouth-watering hour-glass figure beautifully. Elegant heels and jewellery looks extremely attractive with the dress that stops at her knees.  

But the reason for my tears is something far more celestial that I can describe.

Baby bump. A small, unutterably perfect bump. The dress puts her mesmerising belly on full display. I have never seen anything more beautiful than this. 

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