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Ella's P.O.V.

"I am getting married."- I whispered to myself, examining my appearance in the mirror. 

I am about to marry the love of my life and start new chapter with him. I am about to get my fairytale ending that I've been dreaming of ever since I was a little girl. 

The last 3 days ticked by like nothing: rehearsal dinner, family dinners, last fittings and entire day away from Gabe. That torturously slow and dull day I spent in SPA with my bridesmaids: 6 cousins, Nora and Ashley. 

"May I come in, dear?"- asked uncle, knocking on the door. 

"Yes, come in."- I replied, turning around just in time for him to enter the grand room. 

"Oh, sweetheart."- almost whispered uncle Kevin, blinking away tears, making my eyes water. 

I came up to him and hugged him tightly, unable to stop a few tears from escaping from me. 

"I cannot thank you enough, uncle. For everything: the care, support, love, affection, time, advice. You are the best uncle ever."- I spoke from the bottom of my heart, feeling grateful than ever for everything he's done for me, being my second dad. 

"You have nothing to thank me for, pretty lady."- replied uncle Kevin, hugging me tightly. 

"Your father raised you so well, sweetheart. He is so proud of you wherever he is."- he stated genuinely as I helplessly held back ocean of tears. 

"I wish he were here. He would love Gabe."- I whispered sadly, holding onto uncle firmly.

"He is in our hearts, dear. He keeps watch over you anywhere you are everyday no matter what."- he assured me sincerely and I nodded, smiling softly.

"Now, you look too gorgeous to cry. Your future husband is already waiting for you."- he said with such serious, yet heartwarming look on his face, making me giggle. 

"That's better."- he chuckled and hugged me lovingly one more time as I eagerly returned his embrace. 

"Uncle, I have to ask you something."- I said with a smile, getting all of his attention again as he gently held my hands. 

"I know that tradition goes differently, but it doesn't make this any less special."- I spoke softly, my eyes watering once again. 

"Will you walk me down the aisle, please?"- I asked him, my voice sounding like a whisper, and he smiled brightly at me, his blue eyes glossy from tears. 

"It would be my honour, honey."- he replied, hugging me affectionately. 

On that note Aron and Rosalind came to me, just as emotional as us. I hugged them both, giggling through tears as Rosalind nearly squeezed me, being as lovely and kind as always. 

"Oh, calm down, you emotional squirrel. You will ruin her bomb makeup."- stated Zachary, purposefully squeezing me, making me laugh wholeheartedly. 

"I am here with delivery from groom, so shoo away to see what's that and then you are out of here to be married."- he stated merrily as I took velvety, dark blue box from him. 

Everyone left, waiting in the entryway for me, and I opened the box, smiling as I took the note. 

"Little something for my stunning bride.

I cannot wait to see you, mi amor.

I love you more than anything and anyone. 

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