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Ella's P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open and I smiled softly: Gabe is peacefully sleeping with his handsome face buried in my neck as he is cuddling me as little spoon. His muscular, inked arms are wrapped around my waist securely, keeping me tightly pressed against his vigorous body. We are still in our clothes from last night as the only things we did were our regiments: I took off my makeup, we did our skin care routines and brushed our teeth. 

I gently and carefully shifted, trying to get up, but his very strong, yet loving hold of me didn't loosen up at all. He only pulled me closer, nuzzling his dreamy face in my neck cutely, making me smile brightly. 

The quiet tapping of little paws caught my attention and in matter of seconds Diabolo hopped on our bed and rubbed against us, waking up Gabriel.

"Good morning, my love."- I spoke softly, turning around in his mellow embrace, smiling as he pecked me fondly. 

"Good morning, mi amor."- he replied huskily, smiling charmingly at me. 

"How are you, princesa?"- asked in care Gabriel, gently cupping my cheek, making me smile as he tenderly caressed it with his thumb. I love it when he does this. 

"I am better, really. Everything is fine."- I assured him calmly, hugging him lovingly. 

"I am sorry."- I said sincerely and he glanced at me in utmost confusion. 

"I am sorry about letting my fears come between us, saying all of that yesterday and leaving the table like that."- I spoke honestly, feeling awful for doing those things. 

"You have absolutely nothing to apologise about because you didn't do anything wrong. Nobody is angry or upset with you, especially me."- he stated warmly and genuinely, kissing my forehead affectionately. 

"But I shouldn't have reacted like that. You didn't deserve any of that and your family didn't need to be treated like that by me either. What I did was very rude and wrong."- I replied, gently rubbing his broad, strapping back. 

"Thank you for keeping me sane and comforting me, Gabe. I cannot describe how much it means to me."- I spoke softly, kissing him delicately, both of us smiling tenderly. 

"Ella, you have nothing to thank me for. I do what I do because I love you, need you and want to make you happy. All I need are your cute blush, angelic smile with gorgeous dimples, twinkles of joy in your magical eyes, sweet giggles, tender kisses and beyond perfect cuddles."- he stated warmly, causing me to do all of that involuntary. 

"I love you with all my heart, baby."- I said profoundly, kissing his cheek gently. 

"I love you more than you can imagine, baby girl."- he spoke adoringly, hugging me mellowly. 

We cuddled for some more before getting up. Gabriel went to feed Diabolo and keep an eye on him while he walks in the backyard while I am showering. 

I took off the dress and glanced at myself in the mirror, biting my bottom lip lightly, unable to stop smiling at how I look. 

For the first time I am not scared of my reflection in the mirror. 

I am slim, lean and I have the right amount of muscles. My skin is not pale anymore; it has pleasant sun-kissed colour and fresh, rosy shade to it. Once noticeable dark circles from sleepless nights are gone with no traces left behind. Sure, I cannot seem to gain weight, but my body is changing and I couldn't be happier. 

I took off my sheer undergarments and got in the shower, grinning like a puppy. I washed my hair and body, feeling better than anywhere with how I look and treat myself. Once I was done, I dried off and applied all oils, lotions and creams on my body before brushing my teeth and doing my skin care. I gently towel-dried my hair and added oils for its healthy shiny and smoothness. 

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