Cuarenta y siete.

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Ella's P.O.V.

I peacefully relaxed in the living room, enjoying watermelon, patiently waiting for my beloved, devilishly sexy, sinfully handsome husband to come back home from warehouse, where he had to sign a few reports and deal with stocks. He is nearly here.

"Snickerdoodle."- I murmured in annoyance as my phone rang, interrupting my watermelon time. 

"What is it, Kerem?"- I asked calmly, twirling a piece of delightful creation around bowl. 

"There is a letter. Shall I bring it to you?"- responded Kerem and I bit my lip, thinking about it. 

"Okay, bring it here."- I replied before we hung up. 

I put the bowl on the coffee table and went to the entryway, just in time as Kerem entered, handing me the letter. I thanked him and he got back to work; guards are always here, they are just discreetly scattered around to keep everything down-low. 

I went back to the living room and opened the envelope, getting letter out of it. My nerves were at peace until I read the text, unable to believe a word. 

"Mi amor, I am back."- said happily Gabriel from the entryway before appearing in the living room. 

His charming, bewitching smile dropped as he saw my pale face and shaky hands. 

"What's wrong, baby girl? Are you alright? Is everything alright with our little squishy?"- he asked in worry, approaching me, crouching down in front of me, taking my hand in his large, soft, masculine, veiny one, kissing it over and over again. 

How am I supposed to answer that? How am I supposed to tell him about it? 

"Ella, you are scaring me."- said in concern Gabriel, kissing my hand, laying his other hand on my bump. 

"I-I am fine and our baby is well too."- I spoke softly, taking a deep breath. 

"But I don't think you are going to be fine."- I replied hesitantly, worrying for him and his reaction. 

"What do you mean, darling? I am perfectly fine."- stated Gabe calmly, caressing my baby bump, laying sweet kiss on it. 

"Your dad is alive."- I almost whispered shakily, getting on my knees in front of him, cupping his face tenderly. 

He stood frozen, pale, as if lifeless. I kissed his plump, soft lips gently, caressing his cheeks lovingly before wrapping my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. In split second he claimed my lips in a deep, hard, ravishing kiss, scooping me up in his rugged, powerful arms. 

And I shouldn't have let him take me to our bedroom before we lost ourselves in divine skin to skin contact, but I knew that he doesn't want to absorb that fact, I wouldn't want to take it either.

I moaned wantonly as he pushed his rock-hard, thick, long, veiny cock in my wet pussy from behind, roughly pounding into me without mercy. My hands clutched on sheets as I whimpered, feeling harsh slap on my ass, then another one until I was blinking away tears of ache, not pleasure.  

His large, veiny hands cupped my breasts and he pulled me up, fucking me like I am a toy, groping and using my body in ways he never did. Gabriel is aggressively rough, frustrated and angry. Tears of actual pain streamed down my face as I felt his speed increase til unbearable scale, he squeezed my breasts, holding me tight and close to himself in dangerously odd, unpleasant way.

This is not my Gabe. 

Gabriel's P.O.V.

"Blue."- whimpered Ella, snapping me out of my trance. 

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