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Ella's P.O.V.

I sat up, sleepily rubbing my eyes, feeling utterly exhausted and lifeless. 

My mind flashed with events of the last 24 hours: Canada, flight to London, insulting and harsh treatment, bridge, heavy rainfall, drive to Gabriel's mansion, his care and worry, shower, tears and most of all - his confession. 

Love doesn't exist, it is just a fictional feeling. He cannot love me. I cannot be loved, I don't deserve to be loved and life only proved it. 

I got up, sighing as I saw his white sweater and matching boxers on myself. Nagging, alarming feelings creeped outside, but not this time. 

I won't let them cloud my mind and control my actions.

"Ella."- spoke warmly Gabriel, rushing to me as he saw my glossy eyes. 

"Don't."- I almost whispered, hating to hurt his precious heart, but that's what I need to do. 

He deserves much better than me. He deserves someone, who can give him what he wants. I cannot be the one for him no matter how much I want it. I will never be enough for anyone and it will never change.

"Don't fucking start with that bullshit. Not after last night. You won't put up your walls, push me away. You won't hurt me with words we both know you don't mean."- he stated surely, catching me by my waist, preventing from leaving. 

"I love you, Ella. I love you so damn much. Why the fuck are you pushing me away? Don't lie to me because I know that you feel strong attraction for me."- spoke pleadingly Gabriel, making me cry out of vulnerability. 

"Because I cannot give you what you want!"- I blurred out in sadness, getting out of his grasp. 

"I am incapable of loving. I cannot give you family that you will want sooner or later."- I sobbed, feeling my heart break into countless pieces as concern filled his Egyptian blue eyes that I adore so much. 

"I have PCOS."- I spoke shakily, defeated and broken. 

"I cannot have children."- I whispered in agony, tears running down my face faster, heart twisting in pain and torture. 

Gabriel's P.O.V.

I ran up to Ella, catching her before she could fall on the floors and held her tightly in my arms as she cried in my chest, finally bearing all truth out in the open for me. 

"Shhh, princesa. I am right here."- I cooed her softly, feeling sadness and worry consume my heart. 

She clearly wants to be a mother, to have a family, to love and to be loved. It is agonising how much she has been keeping to herself, suffering on her own without any care and support.

Tear after tear, time passed by as she let everything out, holding onto me securely. 

"Shh, it's alright, darling."- I whispered to her, kissing her temple tenderly, as she stopped crying, blinking away a few tears. 

"You cannot love me, Gabe. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. I am not what you deserve and need."- spoke in hurt Ella, making my heart shrink. 

"Stop with that right now."- I stated, cupping her gorgeous face gently. 

"I can love, I do love you and I will always love you. You are what I need, want, deserve, crave and long for. Nothing can change my love for you because it is unconditional, endless, deep and so fucking true. No-one will ever hold my heart and attention in the way you do and I am sucker for it. You are the only woman I see by my side."- I said confidently and honestly, bearing my heart out for her. 

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