Treinta y cinco.

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Ella's P.O.V.

I woke to wet nose rubbing against my cheek.

"Hi, buddy."- I whispered numbly, patting Diabolo, who licked my wrist, looking at me with so much care, worry and love; dogs are such angelic, faithful creatures. 

My eyes scanned the lavish, beautiful, spacious bedroom and I realised that we are already in our cottage. Gabriel must have carried me here while I was sleeping, he is the sweetest. Speaking about him, he isn't here. He is here for sure, though; he wouldn't leave me alone here.

I have no courage to get up, my head is pounding, so I just scooted over and motioned Diabolo to hop on the bed as he eagerly complied. My arms wrapped around his big, muscular self and I cuddled him, hiding from the world. 

I feel empty, yet my heart bleeds and cannot stop hurting. I want to cry so badly, but I have no tears left to shed. My body is tired, feeble and lifeless. Bloody hell, all of this makes me feel like giving up, accepting the circumstances and slowly moving on, but when I look at my stunning, crystal clear with mesmerising tint of light blue diamond rings I realise that I have so much to fight for. 

I have to fight for our future, our happiness, our tranquility, our love, our devotion, our prosperity and so many other things. Gabriel fought for me so much in more ways than I can describe and no matter how laborious it was, he never ever gave up or backed off. He only tried harder when times got tough. 

Even though I am absolutely crashed and heartbroken, I still have this little percent and I am going to hold onto it.

"You are awake."- almost whispered Gabriel, entering the room.

I opened my arms for him, wanting to hug him tightly, and he didn't need more before laying in bed and cuddling with me. I kissed his temple, holding him tightly in my embrace. My fingers ran through his velvety, very voluminous, midnight black hair and he nuzzled his handsome face in my neck, taking a deep breath. 

The silence is comforting. The embrace is so tight and so tender at the same time, giving promise of safety, love and care. His spicy, musky, alluring fragrance is the most calming thing in the world. The steady beating of his precious heart is my favouring song. The warmth of his hard, powerful, strapping body is soothing and gentle.

All of it speaks better than billion words. 

"We won't give up, mi amor. We will keep trying and I promise you that everything will be fine."- whispered warmly Gabriel, kissing my cheek tenderly. 

I kissed his forehead lovingly, snuggling into him, hiding from the word in his strong, muscular, inked arms as our foreheads rested together, noses touching and eyes locked.

When I look in his sincere, adoring, enchanting, bright, Egyptian blue eyes, I see our beautiful future: our cosy, spacious, lovely home with a beautiful garden and yard; our loyal pup running around, barking and wiggling his tail; him and I, happy and drunk in love, but most of all, I can picture our little one - our small treasure. I know that Gabe will be incurable dad and that he will love our baby unconditionally and so dearly. 

I gently pressed my lips on his plump ones, feeling my heart flutter as he pulled me closer, caressing my lips with his own so devotedly, so delicately, saying everything I will ever need. My arms wrapped around his neck and I pulled him impossibly close to myself, kissing him adoringly, feeling alive in his arms. 

"I love you with all my heart, Gabe. You mean everything to me."- I spoke profoundly, my lips brushing against his with each word I said.

"I love you more than I can describe, Ella. You are my world, dulzura."- said lovingly Gabriel, pecking me fondly. 

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