About Author

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Hello everyone thank you so much for sticking with my story so far! I decided to do an about Author, because why not?
My name is Madison Deveau, I'm nineteen years old and I was born in Chesapeake, Virginia, on December 12th, 2000. I have lived in Virginia Beach my entire life and I absolutely love it here aside from the fact I hate the ocean, I'm kind of a black sheep.

When I was eight I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and had a hard time growing up with it because I don't really understand social conduct and behave rather oddly based on how I'm feeling. When I was thirteen I developed panic disorder and a severe suicidal depression which writing, anime, God, my mom and my pet cat helped me through. At fifteen I was diagnosed with both ADHD and OCD so people have a really hard time understanding me but my creative and unusual thinking has really helped me write, a career I've known I wanted since preschool, when I was first asked.

Right now I'm very happy still living at home, I have two jobs, one is for a bakery and the other is teaching children and their parents ages 0-5, I'm saving up for a van so I can travel. I'm taking Muay Thai classes for self-defense and Russian to help me better communicate with foreigners, I'd like to speak many languages to better respect those cultures.

I have a genius younger brother, a temperamental but caring dad and a hardworking, supportive mom who does her best to help me and understand me. I also have seven cats!

Currently I'm working on degrees in Writing and Linguistics but in the future, I hope to also receive a political science degree so I can better help my amazing country.

Thank you, everyone, for sticking with me, there will be a lot more to come!

My moral alignment is Chaotic Good but sometimes Lawful Evil
My love language is Touch, but only because I'm a hugger
My personality type is ENTP/ENFP depending on my mood (Debater/Campaigner)
My Chinese zodiac is the dragon.
My astology zodiac is Sagittarius.
My birthstone is a Zircon or Blue Topaz.
I'm Asexual and proud.
I'm American/French/Scottish/Nordic/Native American/German.
I'm the dictator in my friend group.
I can't drive, I crashed the car in my first week.
I'm practically blind.
I used to be a ballerina and a swimmer.
I'm an artist, author, martial artist, actress and good with a gun.
I'm good at tennis but my favorite sport to watch is gymnastics.
My fandoms are Marvel, Star Wars, Steven Universe, Yuri On Ice, Ghibli, Fairy Tail, Hetalia and most other animes.

I love making friends you can messages me about the story or anything you want ;)
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