♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ♥

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14th December 1942

Dear Jim,

I'm glad to hear that you made it back to Liverpool safely, and that you're missing New York... and me, apparently.

I wish you could come and visit me again soon because I miss you - but I won't be so alone soon, you'll be glad to hear. In about six months, I'm going to be a mum, and you'll be a dad (again!) I don't want any money from you, if that's what you're wondering - Hell, you don't even have to ever visit the baby if you don't want to... but I want you to know that I intend to move on. I intend to find somebody who will love both me and the baby, and who will treat the baby as their own.

And I won't tell the baby that you're its father until I have to, so don't worry about it coming to find you in the near future.

If you want to see the baby, then that's fine too, but only if you're sure. I can't have you flitting into its life one minute and then not coming back for a year. You're either all in or all out.

Don't reply to this letter, and I won't write again until the baby is born.


Jim looked at the paper in his hands and let out a deep sigh. His wife, Mary, came into the room with their six month old son, James Paul, in her arms. "Is something wrong?" She asked him sweetly.

Jim hesitated. He wanted to tell his wife of the woman that he had fallen in love with in New York, and the baby which was now coming. He wanted to tell his wife of how he wanted their son Paul, and the new baby, to know each other because they would technically be brother and sister...

But he didn't.

Instead, he put on a brave face, shook his head and held out his hands, "no," he replied in as level a tone as he could manage, "pass Paulie over."

18th June 1943

"She's so small." Kevin said in an adoring tone of voice as he looked at the baby girl in his arms.

His fiance, Myrtle, was crying.

"Why're you crying, Myr?" He asked her in a voice of genuine curiosity. "She's everything we ever wanted - she's everything we'll ever get."

Kevin knew that he couldn't have any children, so when he had found Myrtle, who had been pregnant and vulnerable and in need of somebody to love her and her baby, he had jumped at the chance.

Never had he imagined that he'd have the chance to be a father.

"She looks awful!" Myrtle weighed, breaking Kevin's heart. He didn't think that his little daughter was awful looking, but he also knew that Myrtle was under a lot of pressure and that she wouldn't be saying it if she hadn't just given birth. "She's got one eye open and she hasn't stopped squawking since she came out! She looks like a piece of red meat!"

She buried her head in her hands and sobbed.

Kevin patted her back as he held the baby with the other hand.

"She'll be a heartbreaker when she grows up." Kevin promised. "My little Emeraude."

20th June 1943

Dear Jim,

You have a daughter. Emeraude was born on 18th June, just two days ago, and weighed seven pounds and two ounces. My fiance, Kevin, is absolutely in love with her and has already submitted the papers to adopt her. I'm happy with this arrangement and I hope that you are, too. I won't write to you again until I'm ready to tell her, but I won't do so without your say-so.

I wish you and your family the best for the future,


She could think of no other way to end such a letter, but she was confident that it would do the trick. She didn't want Jim in her life - Myrtle was going to get married to Kevin Fisher at the courthouse just a week later, and she had a little baby girl that she knew she didn't want involved in the secrets which had surrounded her's and Jim's overnight relationship.

Things were better this way and she was sure of it.

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