♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞 ♥

212 7 0

June 18th 1969

"George!" I called up the stairs, "hurry up!" His groaning could be heard from the bedroom. I sighed and turned to Julian, who was standing beside me. "Run up and tell him that we're leaving soon."

"Mum -"

"Please, Jules." I said, "I can't get up there in one trip, y'know that."

He sighed and went to do as he had been told. I turned and went into the kitchen.

"Good morning, darling." I said as I dropped a kiss on the top of Dhani's head. He was eating an unbuttered slice of bread. "Dhan, do you want me to do that for you?"

He looked at the bread and then shook his head, "it's okay, mummy."

I smiled at his little accent, marvelling at how like George's it was despite the fact that he'd never even been to Liverpool. George and I had meant to take him, but we just never had found the right moment to go.

"Where's -"

"Here we are, then." George said as he came into the kitchen, Julian trailing behind him and Nancy in his arms. He put her in the seat beside Dhani before he came over to me, kissing my cheek and then my lips. We shared a precious few seconds before Nance was screaming and Dhani was squealing.

"What happened?" I asked in a resigned tone of voice, going over to the two of them. "Dhan? What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything!" Dhani protested, chucking his piece of bread across the breakfast bar in anger.

"Dhani!" I snapped, "pick it up!" I was not in the mood today.

"Mummy -"

"Not now, Jules," I said, looking down at him quickly before I looked at Dhani, who was not doing as he had been told and picking the bread up. Nancy was crying. "George, can you...?" I gestured to her.

George swooped in and picked his daughter up, cuddling her tightly and speaking to her quietly to try and find out what had happened.

"Dhani pinched me!" Nancy cried.

George comforted her and shot a glare at Dhani, "Dhan, you know not to -"

"Mummy -"

"Julian," I said for the second time, "I'm busy dealing with Dhan and Nance. Not now, okay?" I didn't even turn to look at him. I sat beside Dhani in the chair that Nancy had been sitting in, "Dhan, why did you -"

"Nancy pinched me!" He pointed at his sister and I sighed, rubbing my fingertips against my temples. I was halfway crying. I just couldn't deal with this today.

I took several deep breaths before I looked at Dhani and Nancy, ignoring Julian who was tugging on George's tucked in shirt.

"Right," I stood up, "I don't care who started it, or why. I want the two of you back here, eating your breakfast - Dhani, I want you to pick up the bread - Julian, I -"

"Mummy, I -"

I stood up. I couldn't take one more second. I left the room, ignoring the cries of my three children, unable to stop feeling like I was a bad mother. Why was it so much easier to parent them when they were babies? Life with a six year old, a five year old and a four year old was difficult enough, but being eight months pregnant in the stifling heat of mid-June was just the icing on the cake.

I heard George sorting the children out and telling them that he was just going to see if mummy was alright. My heart swelled with love for him. He was so good at being a father and a husband, and I didn't deserve him.

"Hey," he said softly as he came into the library - which was stacked with the books that the previous owner of the house had owned. We had moved in just over six months ago when we had found out that I was pregnant again because we knew that we needed to move Nancy into her own room and also split Julian and Dhani up and give them their own rooms. There simply hadn't been enough bedrooms at the last house. "You okay?" He sat beside me and immediately looped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I shook my head, wiping away my stray tears, "Georgie, I don't know how I can do it... three's hard enough... and now we're late to Paul's birthday and they're nowhere near ready to go -"

"Shush," George hushed me gently, pressing a soft, loving kiss to the side of my head. "Julian's going to get Nancy ready, I'm going to get Dhani when I'm done here. You're going to go dry your eyes and then wait in the car for us. We'll be ten minutes, I promise."

He always managed to sort me out.

I smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder, "I love you, George." I said quietly to him.

"I love you too, luv." George whispered into my ear.

We had a few seconds to ourselves - which was more than we usually got - before Julian could be heard from the other room, "dad!"

George got up and left the room to see what was wrong. I stood up and went to dry my eyes. George was right. I could do this.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now