♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 ♥

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George's POV

"You're awful quiet today, son." John observed as Ringo drove over to the house that Paul was living in with Jane and her family, the Ashers, on Wimpole Street. John turned in the passenger seat in the front of the car to look at me. "Any reason why?"

"Nah." I replied, being evasive, which was always the best way to be with John - especially when you had something which you didn't particularly want to talk about.

"Ah," Ringo chuckled as he kept his eyes on the road, "definitely is, then."

"Tell us, lad." John continued to press, "we won't tell anyone."

I looked out the window briefly and saw that we were drawing closer to Wimpole Street. If you're going to tell them that you and Emeraude took the final step in your relationship, then it should probably be before her brother gets into the car.

I took a deep breath, "Em and I finally, y'know..."

It took John and Ringo less than a second to cotton onto what I was hinting at.

I looked in the mirror and saw Ringo's eyes widen at the same time that John yelled, "no fucking way!"

I winced. "Yeah... and if you shout any louder then she'll hear me, so -"

"What was it like?"

"Well you've had sex before, Ringo," I replied, "there was a blonde bimbo walking 'round the flat just last week, so dunno what you're askin' me for -"

"No," John said, "he means what was it like with Em?"

What an odd question, I thought. Why is he asking what sex with my girlfriend was like? Why does he care what sleeping with Em was like?

"It was good, yeah."

"Good!" John chuckled, laughing. "Lad, no one says that their first time -"

I blushed a deep red. "Aw, don't embarrass the poor lad, John."

"How did you two know it was my first?" I asked, glad that I had finally lost my virginity, but very embarrassed that my two friends knew I was a virgin before last night.

"Just obvious, son." John replied.

"You're very uptight, George -"

"Me and Em do other things." I told them, feeling very protective of my masculinity in that moment, "a relationship isn't jus' 'bout sex, y'know -"

"I'd say that's a good fifty percent of it." Ringo said as he pulled up outside the Ashers' house.

"I'd say closer to ninety." John joked as he got out of the car. He then turned to me and grinned, "don't worry, lad. We won't tell Macca that you fucked his sister."

I blushed a deep red and John slammed the car door, hurrying up the front steps of the Ashers' large house.

Ringo twisted round to face me in the front seat, "don't listen to him, Geo. You know what he's like when he gets a bit o' power -"

"He's going to tell Paul..." I groaned, putting my head in my hands and imagining the many ways that Paul could make my life a misery - and all because I had finally done it withEm.

"I got him!" John exclaimed moments later as he opened the door of the passenger seat of Ringo's car, surprising the both of us because we hadn't heard him coming.

Paul opened the door closest to me and gestured for me to slide over so he could get in. I did that, biting my lip. I wondered if John had told him already, or if he genuinely didn't intend to.

"H-hi, Paul..." I stuttered, trying to maintain a level of normality between the two of us - and failing.

"Hi, Geo." Paul replied brightly. I breathed out in relief. So John obviously hasn't told you yet, then. "You okay? Ye seem nervous."

"I'm not n-nervous." Damned stutter. I wish I could get you under control. It always gave me away when I was keeping a secret.

"Woh," Paul chuckled as John got into the front seat and Ringo started the car, then quickly pulling away from the kerb and beginning to drive towards the location of that day's interview, John giving him directions using the map which Ringo usually kept in the glove compartment of his car. "You nervous 'cause ye banged my sister last night?"

I wanted to disappear entirely.

I groaned, "you know?" I asked in disbelief.

Paul chuckled. "I had an idea. John dropped a few hints," I shot him a horrid glare, but John just chuckled. "And then when I got in the car, I knew." He paused, "how does it feel to have finally become a man?"

"I was a man long before -"

"Sure." Paul smirked. "Hope you were nice to 'er."

I groaned, sinking lower against the leather seats of Ringo's car, "Paul," I complained, "please can we not talk about me having sex with your sister, who just so happens to be my girlfriend?"

Paul chuckled, "does it bother you, Georgie?"

Ringo and John were quiet, though I could see from the mirror hanging from the middle of the roof in the front of the car that they were exchanging glances.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Ringo cut me off, "a'right, Paul, that's enough. Leave 'im alone."

I looked up to the Heavens, silently thanking God for Ringo.

"But -"

"We're 'ere now, anyway." Ringo gestured to the building of the newspaper that wanted to interview us - the up and coming band from Liverpool, newly moved to London. "So leave yer personal lives in the car and pick up your libidos when you get back -"

"Libido?" Paul echoed. Ringo nodded, looking at Paul in the mirror, "awfully big word for you, Rings. Are ye sure you know what it means?"

"Someone's being bitchy today." John sneered, "what ye pickin' on Ringo for?"

"I'm not pickin' on -"

"It's not 'is fault he's got a big nose." John continued, ignoring poor Ringo, who I felt so sorry for. Everybody always made a point of mentioning the size of his nose, or the amount of space which it took up on his face. I thought that it suited him, but didn't dare say anything because I was a coward. It was okay for Ringo to stand up for me against John and Paul, but I couldn't do the same for him. I was pathetic.

"Fans are funny 'bout that, y'know, Ringo." Paul said, picking up on John's teasing and joining in, just as he always did. It was always John and Paul, Lennon and McCartney. I wondered if that would ever change. "They'll pick on a nose -"

"You pick on a nose." Ringo waved a hand dismissively in their direction and then turned to look at me over his shoulder, "come on, Geo, let's leave these two to their alone time."

I chuckled and followed suit as Ringo got out of the car.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now