♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 ♥

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7th February 1964

I woke up to an empty bed, one side cold save for a small body beside me, still fast asleep. I put my arms around Julian and pulled him more tightly to me, being very careful not to squash him.

"Good morning, Jules," I whispered, kissing his forehead, "did your daddy put you here? He left quite early, didn't he?" I vaguely remembered John kissing my lips softly whilst I slept, whispering a hurried goodbye. Julian stirred and his eyes fluttered open. I smiled, sitting up and then picking Julian up, "I love you, Julian."

When John had said that he had to go on tour to America, I had been flattered and slightly scared when he had said that he was going to leave Julian with me. I didn't know if I would be able to cope with a ten month old baby by myself, but then he had reminded me that I would soon have a newborn, and then he had told me that he believed I could cope with anything.

His words alone had given me the courage to try.

Julian was my responsibility, now.

* * * * *

The phone downstairs rang just as I was giving Julian his lunch, a few hours later. He looked at me with a small and curious smile on his face and I put the bowl down in front of him, dipping to press a kiss on the top of his head before I went to answer the phone.

I wiped my hands on the apron that I was wearing, my baby bump fairly prominent because I was about five months pregnant. "Hello?" I asked cautiously, readying myself for the screams of fans who so often rang the house. Despite the fact that John and I had been living together for just over a month, we had had to change our phone number three times because of the fans finding and distributing it, calling at all times of the day - and night. For the first week, it had driven me mad, but now I was accustomed to it.

John and I had last changed the number about a week before, so I was fairly sure that there would not be any fans who had it so soon.

"Em?" It was Paul.

"Paul?" I asked excitedly, my heart skipping a beat as I realised how badly I actually missed the boys despite the fact that they had been gone only a few hours - but I had stopped going to the studio to see them since John had done the BBC interview and talked about George and I. I hardly ever saw Ringo now, and even George - I usually spoke to him on the phone, and that was only once every few weeks because John didn't like me talking to somebody who I had once slept with - regardless of whether it was George or not.

And I hadn't seen Paul in barely a week because he had been busy with Jane; since she had found out that they would be going on a tour of America, she had commandeered a lot of his time. I missed my brother, but there was nothing I could do about the situation which we were in.

So the only Beatle I had spoken to was John.

I didn't have any friends, and of course Cynthia wasn't talking to me because I was technically withholding her son from her - which I felt terrible about, but I knew that if I went against John's wishes and let her see Julian while he was away, then he would be absolutely furious with me.

"Hey," Paul's voice washed over me like a warm shower, and I felt instantly refreshed. I hadn't realised how much I missed him until I didn't see or speak to him, "you okay? How's the little nipper?"

I chuckled at his choice of words, "he's good -"

"Oh so it's a boy, now?" Paul asked me in a teasing tone.

"Well I don't know for sure," I replied, "but I think it's a boy... When I saw John with Ruth at Christmas, I wanted it to be a girl, but everytime I think about holding the baby, I imagine a boy."

"Hmm," Paul hummed, "is the waiting the worst part?"

I nodded despite the fact that he couldn't see, "the morning sickness is quite bad too, y'know." I paused, "is John there?"

Paul was silent.

I pushed him to talk, "Paul?"

"He's, um, gone out."

"Gone out?" I echoed in surprise and confusion, "but I thought Eppy said that you wouldn't be allowed to -"

"Eppy doesn't know." Paul sighed and I felt my heart sink. John loved me, I knew that, but if he met somebody in America that caught his eye more than I did, then I was sure that he'd leave me. He'd left Cynthia for me, why wouldn't he leave me for somebody else? "Em?" Paul shocked me back to reality, "it'll all be fine. We'll be home in -"

"Eight weeks." I finished. "I know... Paul?" Paul hummed in reply, "look after John for me... and George... make sure that you all look after yourselves, but make sure that they both eat properly, and don't do anything too crazy out there."

Paul nodded, "of course I will, Em."

"I have to go, then - I left Julian upstairs with his lunch and I just know that I'll have to wash the lunch off of him when I get back."

"I'll let you go, then..."


"Yeah?" I had been halfway to putting the phone back on the hook, but the sound of my brother saying my name had caused me to put it back to my ear.

"We're number one in America. We've made it." And then he hung up.

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