♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ♥

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For dinner that night, Jim suggested that we celebrate my 'homecoming', as he called it, by eating from the chip shop at the bottom of the road -

Paul and Mike referred to it as 'the chippy'.

I'd never had fish and chips from a fish-and-chip shop before, so Paul insisted that I join him on the walk to get our food for the full experience. I was more than happy to go along with him, of course. I adored Paul already.

"So how're you liking Liddypool so far, then?" My brother asked as we left the warmth of 20 Forthlin Road and began to walk to the chippy.

"I love it," I told him. "The weather's a lot more agreeable than California. I didn't like the sun so much - the rain's more my thing -"

"Well there's plenty of it." Paul promised with a grin. "Met anyone you like, yet?"

"Well I like you." I teased him, knowing full-well what he was hinting at.

"O'course you do." He tickled my sides and I giggled, trying to wriggle away from him, "but y'know what I meant... John's single, by the way -"

"As if." I laughed. "John's not my type."

"Then who is?"

I looked at him curiously. "No one yet, Paul. Why the interest?"

He shrugged, "I like to know everything."

We walked the rest of the way in silence, though it wasn't very far. Paul walked me over to the counter and asked me what I wanted, but I wasn't sure so I just shrugged, "whatever you're having."

"Okay," Paul said to the man behind the counter, "four portions of cod and chips, then, Ian..."

Ian, the man behind the counter, nodded and barked the order to the two men standing behind him. He then looked at me, "who's this then, Paul?" He asked, "new girlfriend?"

"My sister." Paul replied casually. "Emeraude - fresh over from America."

I smiled and gave a slightly awkward wave.

"Didn't know you had a sister."

We turned at the sound of a new voice. Paul's eyes brightened immediately. "Geo!" He exclaimed, "I didn't know you were coming here for tea -"

"Mum sent me." The boy replied. He looked about Mike's age, maybe a little older - but he didn't look as old as Paul. The boy looked at me, his deep brown eyes shining as they swept over me, taking my full appearance in. "This 'er?"

Paul nodded proudly, "Emeraude, meet my friend, George Harrison."

"Hello, George." It felt easier to be nicer to George than it had Ian.

"Your eyes are a lot prettier than Macca's." George threw a glance to Paul and I giggled.

"She's got her mother's eyes." Paul told his friend.

George nodded and then excused himself briefly to tell his order to Ian, before he turned back to us. "You didn't tell me you had a sister."

"I didn't think you'd be meeting her so soon - she's only just got to Pool today." My brother replied.

"I lived in California." I added. George glanced back at me and smirked.

"O'course you did."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I crossed my arms against my chest. George's eyes never left mine, and that made me like him more instantly. When I crossed my arms, my breasts were pushed up, and they usually drew the attention of whatever male I was talking to... but George didn't even glance down momentarily.

"Your skin," he replied.

"What about it?"

"It glows."

Paul choked and I turned to him, immediately jumping into action and clapping his back to dislodge whatever was stuck in his throat.

"Jesus Christ, woman!" Paul exclaimed as a half-chewed chip came flying out of his mouth and landed on the floor by the door. "Wha'd you do that for!?"

"You were choking!" I exclaimed.

George was chuckling, watching with an amused look on his handsome face.

"Good job I didn't bring up a lung the way you just whacked me,Em!"

George was now practically rolling around the floor laughing. Paul and I looked at him, and then joined in. It was actually quite funny - Paul had just failed to see the immediate humour in the situation.

"Well," Paul said when we had all recovered, "I think we'd best be going..."

"I'll see you tomorrow, then." George said as he moved closer to the counter.

"Diner at eight-thirty." Paul agreed as he took my hand in his free one since he was holding the chips in his other.

George nodded, "goodnight, Emeraude."

I blushed at his intense gaze as it followed me out of the shop. "Night, George."

"Do you need to ring your stepdad and tell him where you are?" Paul asked as we walked back to the McCartney residence.

I snorted, "fuck him." I replied. "I never want to go back there again. I just needed him to get me to Liverpool... to you..."

Paul smiled and pulled me under his arm, wrapping it around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him.

"Glad he did," Paul replied, "I didn't know how much I was missing a sister until now."

I giggled, "you've gone soft, Paul."

"Here for less than a day and already picking up the slang, are we?" He teased.

I elbowed him playfully in the side and we both laughed. When we recovered ourselves, Paul said, "George looked at you, y'know."

"Would have been rude if he didn't," I said, humming in reply.

"No," Paul answered, "I mean that I've never seen him look at a girl like that before..."

I blushed. "Oh..."

"You're blushing."

"I am not!" I cried, though I could feel the blood rising in my cheeks and making my skin hot.

"You like George!" I elbowed him again.

"If this is what I have to put up with to have you as my brother, then I'm not sure it's worth it!" I teased him.

Paul chuckled, "o'course it's worth it,Em. You're the luckiest girl in Liddypool!"

"To have a brother?"

"To have me as a brother." He smirked, "all the girls think I'm good looking!"

"I don't see what your good looks have to do with being my brother -"

"Genes, Em." He tapped the side of his nose with the hand which was joined with my own. "I've got good genes, and so have you. Lucky us." We'd reached the house. He led me inside.

Jim and Mike were waiting for us in the kitchen when we got in.

"It's getting late," Jim said, "after dinner,Em, Paul'll walk you home." I nodded, not wanting to leave ever again, but knowing that I had to. "But come back anytime, just like I said." He smiled and we sat down to dinner.

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I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now