♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ♥

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We walked the route that he usually did with John. "Em," Paul said as we reached the top of Menlove Avenue. I turned to look at him, waiting for him to continue. "I'm meant to be meeting Geo and John tomorrow mornin'... do you want to come?"

I nodded eagerly. "I want to meet John and George properly!"

Paul smiled and we reached my house.

"This is where you live?" Paul asked in disbelief, looking up at the large house.

It was bigger than any other house on the street, and wasn't even attached like most of the houses in Menlove Avenue were. Even John's house was semi-detached.

I nodded, biting my lip. "Nice, huh?"

"How does your stepdad even afford this?" Paul asked, letting me lead him up the driveway by holding his hand. "Must cost him an arm 'n' a leg in rent -"

"He bought it after the house in Cali was sold." I replied, pulling the door handle down so that it swung open.

"Wow. Houses in America must be worth an awful lot, then -"

"Don't worry about how much money this is worth," I told him, letting go of his hand and stepping over the threshold and turning to look at him, able to see him in the lights of the hallway which was already on.

"Right..." Paul trailed off, "well, I'll pop over to John's now and tell him to grab you on his way past tomorrow." Paul paused, biting his plump bottom lip for a few seconds before he continued, "about eight, expect 'im - but he's always a bit late, so maybe quarter past."

I smiled, "thanks..." I pulled him into my arms, "I don't ever want to be without again, Paul." I said as I kept our bodies together, "you're my brother, and my only family besides Mike and Jim - I mean, uh, dad."

I let go of Paul and blushed. Paul chuckled, "you don't have to call him dad, y'know, Em. He's fine with whatever you want to call him... as long as it isn't cheeky!"

I giggled. "I want to call him dad." I told Paul. "He is, isn't he?" Paul nodded, "then he deserves to be called it."

Paul smiled and leaned over to me, placing a soft kiss on my cheek. "Us Maccas got to stick together, Em," he replied, "you'll always have me, ye daft bird. Night." He gave me a small wave before he turned and walked back down the long driveway, very quickly disappearing out of my sight as he turned the corner and went behind the seven foot wall of 251 Menlove Avenue.

I turned and went further into the house, closing the door behind me.

I went into the living room, and was surprised to see Kevin sitting in an armchair with a lamp on behind him as he read a book.

"You're a bit late home, Emmy." He said, peering at me from over the top of his glasses.

"I met my brothers." I told him, "and my dad." He winced when I used that word. "And then we had cod and chips from the chippy for tea -"

"Less than a day here and you're already talking like them..." Kevin sighed, shaking his head in disdain and disbelief.

"They're my family," I replied, "and we live in Liverpool, now, so I should try to fit in. Paul is everything I ever wanted in a brother. I don't ever want to be away from him or Mike again."

"And Jim?" Kevin raised an eyebrow.

"He's..." I stood up from the settee where I had taken a seat, "he's none of your business." I turned to go upstairs, but stopped myself. I still had some more that I wanted to get off of my chest. "Kevin, I remember how you used to speak to mum, and quite honestly, I can't forgive you for it. thinking about it makes me sick... i'm sorry, but you're not my dad - not even my stepdad. Jim is. You're an abusive husband and a man who has care of a teenager - but not for long. As soon as I'm eighteen, I'm out."

Kevin snorted. "If that's how it is -"

"It is." I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Then you can expect to be treated like that. Not as my daughter, but as a boarder." He paused, "now, get to bed... brat."

With a huff, I turned on my heels and went upstairs, unable to be bothered by what Kevin had said because I could think of only one thing... Paul.

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