♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲-𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ♥

143 7 1

25th February 1976

"Right," I whispered, "I want you to carry this, Dhan," I handed him George's coffee, "Julian, can you take the plate and cutlery?" Julian nodded and took the plate from the side, the cutlery already resting on the side of it, "Nancy, take the presents." She nodded and picked up all of our presents for George, "and Jack, you're in charge of the newspaper."

It was George's thirty-third birthday. He was still asleep, but I had woken the children up an hour early so they could spend some time with him before they went to school. "You go first." I gestured for them to take the staircase first. I followed behind them, holding my own present for my husband.

By the time I reached the top of the stairs, feeling a little queasy, the children were already in the room. George had the day's newspaper in one hand, Jack nestling under the same arm to be as close to his father as possible.

I smiled at the sight, leaning against the door frame to regain a settled feeling in my stomach and also to appreciate the scene in front of me.

When George looked away from the four little miracles that we had raised together, his eyes instantly went to me. He smiled, his eyes lighting up so much that I noticed it from across the room.

"I thought you'd deserted us," he teased.

"That's tomorrow's plan," I replied, coming further into the room slowly, my nausea still remaining despite my efforts to will it away. It had never been this bad with the others. "I wouldn't leave you on your birthday."

He breathed out in relief, wiping his forehead free of nonexistent sweat dramatically. "Well that's good to hear."

I giggled and gestured for Julian to give George his breakfast, which was going cold. It was his favourite; porridge made with locally sourced milk and topped off with raspberries and honey.

"Happy birthday, Georgie." Nancy put the presents on the bed after I had finished my sentence.

"Open them, daddy!" She exclaimed, grabbing the present which was from her and practically throwing it at him in her excitement to see his reaction at what she had bought for him.

George chuckled, catching the present and admiring the wrapping, "it's very good, Nance. Did you do it yourself?"

She nodded proudly, "open it!"

He did, gasping when he saw what she had bought for him. It was a new guitar strap which had been hand stitched by an indigenous Indian lady who we had met the previous summer when we had all travelled to India to help George get more inspiration for his next album.

Once there, Nancy had asked the woman to teach her the ancient art, but the woman had refused. Instead, she had made Nancy the guitar strap to give to George.

"Oh, Nance, I love it." George held it up to the light and smiled. I could have sworn that if he wasn't such a tough Liverpool lad then he would have been blubbering like a baby.

"Eat some of your breakfast, George, it'll go cold otherwise." George put the food on the bedside table.

"I can always heat it up again..." he turned back to the children, tapping the bed beside him, "climb on, everyone, we've got a bit of time before school today, haven't we?" He looked at me for an answer to his question.

I nodded and he grinned. They all climbed on and I watched, wishing that I had Linda's camera with me.

I wasn't sure why we didn't own one because it meant that we often missed out on snapping those all important family memories.

The stench of the porridge was filling the room.

"Are you a'right, luv?" George asked, tearing his attention away from Jack, who was now sitting in his lap, "you look a bit pale."

I shook my head slowly, swallowing. "I'll, um, be a few minutes." I then dashed out of the room and into the bathroom down the hallway, not wanting any of them to hear me throwing up.

George's POV

I got out of bed, "I'd better go and see if your mother's okay." I told them, "why don't you all get ready for school?" The four of them groaned. I chuckled but insisted on it, "come on, you'll be home again before you know it."

I watched the four of them leave the room before I did, grabbing the glass of water which was on my bedside table.

I tiptoed to the bathroom down the hallway, the sounds ofEm violently throwing up becoming louder as I got closer. My stomach churned; I hated thinking of her as ill or in pain.

I knocked on the door but she didn't hear me, so I just pushed it open and sat on the floor beside me, scooping up all of her gorgeous hair with one of my hands.

"George," she managed to say around another bout of vomit, "d-don't... I don't want y-you to see me l-like this -"

"Shush," I said softly, putting the glass of water down beside me and then rubbing her back with my now-free hand, "don't worry about it. I've seen worst."

She didn't have the energy to protest, and instead went back to bringing her guts up. I cringed every time she hurled, wishing that I could take her place.

After about twenty minutes more, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and then sat back on her knees. She took several deep breaths. I took the glass from beside me and offered it out to her.

Wordlessly, Emeraude took it, drinking almost all of it before she gave it back to me and continued to breathe deeply.

"All done, now?" I asked, gesturing to the toilet.

Em nodded, swallowing before she answered, "I suppose you want your present now?"

"If you're ill, then -"

"I'm not ill, George." My wife paused, "I'm pregnant." A grin spread across my face. I couldn't help myself.

"P-pregnant?" I stuttered, feeling my heart race and my smile grow even wider as she nodded.

"I went to the scan last week,"Em told me, "the doctor confirmed it. I have a picture somewhere, I think it's in my purse. I didn't want any of the kids to find it before I told you and I wanted to wait until today -"

I cut her off with a kiss to the lips, ignoring the faintly unpleasant taste of sickness as the love of my life melted into my arms, still babbling.

"I wrapped up a little teddy bear for you because I wanted to tell you like that, but -"

"When's our baby coming, Em?" I asked her, over the moon.

"The doctor said I was about six weeks or so, which means it'll come in September."

I held her close to me still, unable to believe that in a few months, we'd have another baby to take care of. I loved the kids as they were now, because it was like they had their own personalities - but there was something wonderful about holding your own little baby in your arms.

Emeraude looked at the watch which I always wore; a gift from her for my thirtieth birthday. She gasped and sat bolt upright, "they're going to be late!"

"I'll drive them this morning," I said, standing up and then holding out a hand to help her up, "you make a cup of tea for us both and put your feet up, I'll be back in a bit."

She nodded and went to get dressed for the day whilst I hurdled our Harrison children into the car.

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