♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐲 ♥

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George drove us to Paul's because he didn't want us to walk home later in the dark with the boys. I held Dhani as we drove because we hadn't had the chance to get him a car seat yet, but we were going to make it a priority.

Dad's car was already in the driveway of 7 Cavendish Avenue. George pulled up just behind it and turned around to look at Julian, who was playing with a toy which George had bought him the previous week.

"Be good, Jules, yeah?" Julian smiled and nodded, hardly paying any attention to George before he went back to playing with his toy.

I smiled at George, who glanced at me briefly before putting a hand on the handle and pushing the door open. He had one foot on the driveway before I grabbed his hand, the one that was closest to me, catching his attention. He turned back to me and I cocked my head at him.

"I love you."

George smiled broadly back at me and leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on my lips before he took Dhani from my arms and went to get Julian out of the car as well. I got out and retrieved Paul's present from the backseat, and then we walked up the stairs to the front door.

Paul answered as soon as George had knocked, and he greeted us both with a smile and a cuddle.

"Hey, Jules!" Paul said to Julian, who was holding onto George's hand, kneeling down so he could speak to him properly. He took Julian from George, "do you like having a little brother?" He picked Jules up and then looked at Dhani, "hey, Dhan.Emng time, no see." He teased, even though Dhani didn't know what he was saying. "Come on then, you're letting in a drought -"

"Not that you can't afford it, eh, Paul?!" Came dad from the living room. I bounded in and threw myself at him, relishing the feeling of him wrapping his arms around me.

"Daddy!" I squealed excitedly. I had missed him so much since I had seen him last. So much had happened to me.

"Hey, Em," he said affectionately, stroking the back of my head, "where's this little boy of yours, then...? And happy birthday."

I smiled at dad, then turned around to look at George, who came into the room with Dhani. George came right over to dad and me, a small smile on his face.

"Hello, Georgie," dad teased, "always knew it'd be you, didn't we, Paul?" Dad looked over at Paul, who was standing in the doorway with Julian.

But I gestured for him to come forward.

"Dad," I said, "this is Dhani..." I took Dhan from George and gave him to dad, who seemed delighted with him... but Dhani wasn't his grandson. When Paul was close enough, I took Julian from his arms, too. "And this is Julian... he's John and Cynthia's technically, but -"

"He's ours." George interrupted, putting an arm around my waist and smiling at dad. "Mine an' Em's."

My heart swelled and I had never felt more love for a person than I had in that moment.

I turned to Paul, "is dinner ready? Do you need some help cooking it?" I wanted to give George, Dhani, Julian and dad some time alone.

Paul shrugged, "it's mostly done, but you could help me plate it, I guess." I gave Julian to George, kissed his cheek and then darted off after my brother.

When we were in the kitchen, Paul turned to me, "so," he smirked, "you and' George...?" It was an open ended question.

I nodded, "he's the one, Paul -"

"Are you sure?"

I looked at him sharply, "what do you mean by that? Of course I'm sure -"

"Em," Paul bit his lip, hesitating. I readied myself for what I was sure would be a piece of useless brotherly advice. "Not too long ago, you were talking 'bout marrying John -"

"But we always knew it'd be George, didn't we?" I asked rhetorically, not taking any of his bullshit. "Paul, George and I aren't just some teenagers in love. We're for each other. Him and me, me and him. We've got Dhani and Julian, and today I told him that we'd have more children -"

"You what?" Paul asked in disbelief, surprise and amusement. "Em, you've only just -"

"I know, I know." I winced, hating it when my brother talked to me about my... female health. "But after that... Paul, what's to stop us from doing it all? From marrying tomorrow, even? This time in a year, we could have another baby, dad and Angie might've -"

"Oh God," Paul groaned, putting his head in the hand, "don't say that. I don't think I could handle another half sibling... especially if she's anywhere near as annoying as you!"

I giggled, elbowing him in the side, "quiet, Paulie, or I'll tell Jane about what goes on on tour -"

"How do you...?"

"If John does it, then the rest of you do, too." I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Y'know that means that George -"

"As long as I don't have to hear about it, I don't think I care... or I don't for the time being, anyway." I turned to look at Paul, putting my arms around him. "Thank you for being my brother, and for always having my back."

Paul hummed in reply, returning the cuddle. "Anytime, y'know. I love you... and your two little lads -"

"Soon to be three." I teased him.

Paul sighed, "don't start that again!"

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now