♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 ♥

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Dot came to the lunchtime show. I saw her before I got a chance to talk to her, and then I had to watch her and Emeraude talking and dancing together for over an hour with the knowledge that I was about to end our relationship; which had endured so many ups and downs, twists and turns - and Dot would never understand why.

At the end of our set, we all set our instruments down and left the stage, going straight to the bar to get ourselves a drink before we mingled with the crowd.

The regulars were there; both boys and girls - some from school, some friends of John at his art college, and some who had nothing better to do on their lunch hour. They all greeted us with a smile and kind words on the set. Those who didn't come as regularly told us that we had honed our skills in Hamburg, from which we had returned just a few weeks before I had met Emeraude.

When I got to my sister, I asked, "where's Dot?"

"Saw you were coming off and wanted to get you a drink from the bar -"

"But I already have a drink." I held up my pint of beer, "see?"

"I know,"Em replied, having to raise her voice in order to be heard above the loud sound of the lunchtime crowd in the pub, "but she means well. Do you really have to break up with her, Paul? She's sweet, and I like her -"

"Well I don't." I told her, not unkindly. "You can still be friends with her -"

Em replied, "no I can't be, because you're my brother and I'll stand by you." A few seconds later, somebody tapped me on the shoulder and I turned.

Dot was standing there.

"Hey!" She beamed, leaning in to kiss me, but I moved out of the way so her lips brushed against my cheek. She stood back. "Have I done something, Paulie?"

"Dot..." I put a hand on either of her arms to put some distance between us, but also so that we were that little bit more intimate. I had, at one point, been about to start a family with Dorothy Rhone, and she would always be special to me - but I wanted different things now than I had then. Now I wantedEm in my life, and I wanted to be the caring older brother that she deserved - and I couldn't do that with Dot hanging round my neck.

"Oh God..." her baby face crumpled up and she began to sob. "Paul, don't..."

"I'm sorry, Dot -"

"Please don't break up with me, Paul. I love you! We were going to be parents, I -"

Em just looked between the two of us, obviously trying to stay out of it, but at the same time there was pity in her eyes for Dot.

"Dot, I think that we've grown up a lot since we were first together, and I think that we both want different things, now. In fact, I'd even say that we're two different people, now."

"B-but... Paul..." she wailed, "I only want you."

Em bit her lip and put her arms around Dot, pulling my now ex-girlfriend's head onto her shoulder. "Just let him go, Dot," she cooed, looking at me over the top of Dot's head and winking, "he's a wanker, and we both know it."

Harsh words, I thought, but I knew that Emeraude was just trying to free me from the confines of Dot Rhone.

Dot took several seconds to gather herself on my sister's shoulder, and then she stood up straight and strode off, exclaiming, "I never want to talk to you again, Paul McCartney!" And then she hurried out of the Cavern Club.

When she was gone, I looked atEm, "thanks for that. The girl's obviously in love with me -"

"So were you with her, once upon a time."Em replied, "and you're not a complete wanker."

"Oh, well, thanks." I replied sarcastically.

"Your welcome!" She turned to the boys, who were gathering on stage. "You're up!" She exclaimed, gesturing to the others, who were gathering their instruments.

I thanked her for reminding me and then dashed to join my friends.

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