♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 ♥

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As soon as we got off of the plane at Speke Airport, I was in love. Liverpool was everything that I had expected it to be and more - and so, so different to California. It was grey and noisy and everybody rushed around like they had somewhere important to be.

It seemed like Kevin and I were the only ones who didn't have an agenda. We just stood by the doors of the airport wordlessly, looking at each other.

"Are we walking to the house?" I asked, looking up at the sky as thunder roared and the rain began to fall heavily almost immediately, soaking me within a minute of standing it.

"That was the plan." Kevin replied, "but the weather doesn't seem agreeable... we'll have to get a taxi." Kevin left me standing with his suitcases while he went to find one for us, quickly returning with a black taxi cab driving along behind him.

I had never seen a cab like that, before.

"Get in, Emmy." I nodded and left my suitcases in the rain. I got into the cab and inhaled the scent of tobacco and dirt - not an altogether pleasant combination, but one that I was sure I would remember forever because - other than the smell of the rain - it was the first that I had encountered in England. Kevin loaded our cases into the back of the taxi with help from the driver, and then got in beside me. "Menlove Avenue, please." Kevin told the driver as the man started the engine again and began to drive away from Speke Airport.

249 Menlove Avenue was a large house with a large drive and white paint covering the outside of it, barring the roof, which looked as though it was brown wood. I stared in awe at it, only half of my body out of the car.

"You like it?" Kevin asked me as he helped the driver to get our suitcases from the boot of the car, "I thought it'd be just your style."

"It is." I told him with a smile, for the first time since my mum had died seeing a bright future ahead. "It's perfect..."

"What's wrong, Emmy?" Kevin asked, "you seem... different..."
I sighed, "I'll tell you when we've got these cases inside the house."
It was still raining, so I wanted to get into the shelter of our new home as soon as possible. Kevin nodded and we began to pull the cases towards the front door. He unlocked it, and then we pulled the cases over the threshold, leaving them all in the hallway while he showed me every room.

"And this'll be your one." He gestured to the already fully furnished and decorated bedroom - bright red walls and a lush brown shag carpet with mahogany furniture; a double bed in the middle of the room, a bedside cabinet on either side of it, a large desk in front of the window and a velvet cushioned chair to match, and an even bigger, deeper wardrobe than I had had in California, along with a matching chest of drawers at the end of my bed.

"This is... this is amazing, Kevin." I turned around and smiled at him, but when I saw the look on his face, I knew that he still wanted an answer to his earlier question.

"What's wrong, Emeraude?" He went to sit on the edge of my bed, patting the space between him for me to join him.

I sighed and sat down - but on the chair at the desk. I couldn't be close to him when I said this.

"What's wrong?"
I took a deep breath, "I know about Jim McCartney... and I know that he's in Liverpool."
"But how...?" Kevin asked me, "your mother swore that we wouldn't tell you until you were eighteen years old -"

"She didn't tell me... my brother, Paul, wrote to me. We've got the same birthday, but he's a year older - so he was told when he was eighteen, and then he wrote and told me."
"But where did he get the address?"
I went over to the bag which I had brought up the stairs with me - the same one that I had kept with me on the plane - and I pulled out Paul's letter. "I think he said that he found it in his dad's desk."

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now