♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 ♥

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"Hi!" I exclaimed as I ran at him as soon as I saw him standing in the doorway.

He grinned as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. "Hey, Emmy."

I preferred to be nicknamed Em. Emeraude was too long, and Emmy wasn't personal enough.

"Kevin, I missed you!" I pressed my lips to his soft cheek as I let go of him but kept our hands laced together as I led him into the dining room where I had laid out hot tea for the both of us - he'd called me from the airport so I'd know he was on the way home.

"And I missed you too, sweetheart." He sat down and poured us both a teacup full of steaming tea, adding plenty of sugar to the both of them. "How was it without me here?" He looked around the room, "it looks like you've kept everything spic and span -"

"I had a clean up today after school." I told him, "speaking of, today was the last day."

"I know... and how did it go?"

"Really really good." I replied with a smile. We drank our tea in silence for a minute or so before I said, "so how was Liverpool?"

I really wanted to ask if he'd somehow bumped into anybody called Jim, Paul or Mike McCartney, but I resisted.

My dad - Kevin - couldn't know that I knew he wasn't my biological father.

"Very dirty, and very cold and rainy." Dad - Kevin - paused. "Nothing like California, which is what makes it so appealing... I found us a lovely little house there. It's in a village called Woolton. 249 Menlove Avenue."

"So we're moving?" I asked, unable to contain my excitement.

"Monday." Kevin confirmed. "You should say goodbye to Joan and Harry -"

"Actually, Kevin," I said, catching him off guard because I had used his name, "Harry and I aren't a thing anymore... he, um... turns out that he liked Sharon Young a lot more than he liked me."

Kevin sighed and reached across the table, putting a hand on my arm which was resting close to the teapot. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."

I sighed and met Kevin's green eyes. "I'm not." I answered truthfully. "He was, um, pressuring me..."

"Oh..." Kevin blushed.

"Yeah," I said, feeling just as awkward as he probably was, "and I'm not ready to... y'know..."

"O-oh, yeah..." Kevin trailed off, "I know, I, um... I'm glad he won't be trying to stop you from moving."

"I wouldn't have let him, anyway." I said with conviction. "Liverpool means too much to me -"

"It does?" Kevin raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," I replied, "it just... moving from here feels right."

Kevin nodded in agreement before he refilled his teacup. "Why'd you call me Kevin a few minutes ago?" He asked, "it's always 'dad' or 'daddy'... or it was before I went to England, anyway."

"I just think that I'm a little old to be calling my dad by that name... it has sexual meaning to it, right?"

Kevin blushed again.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to -"

"It's fine." He stood up, "I'm going to start packing - you should, too."

I nodded, promising that I would do it.

I went up to my room, sat at my desk and got my pen and paper out with an envelope. I scribbled Paul's address onto the envelope and then began to write.

7th August 1961

Dear Paul,

Kevin (that's the guy who pretended to be my dad for the last seventeen years) has found us a house in Liverpool! 249 Menlove Avenue will be my new home, so you should address all post to there because by the time you get this, we'll be living in the same city!

As soon as you get this, come and see me - unless it is before 8AM, then please come after that time because I won't be up to let you in, and Kevin will probably be at his new job at the Dockyard... he's going to be an accountant there, I think.

I can't wait to meet my big brother!

All my love,


I began to throw everything into the boxes which I'd delivered over the last week. I didn't care whether it went in wrapped or looking neat. I just wanted to be out of California. Away from America. I wanted to be in the same room as my brothers, and in a completely new country.

I wanted a fresh start.

And I was going to get it.

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I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now