♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 ♥

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George sat down beside me in the booth of the American diner, the same one that we'd been to that morning.

"This is nice then, ain't it?" He asked, gesturing for the waitress to come over. I just turned my head and smiled at him, leaning a little closer as the waitress approached - a different one from earlier - and George said, "just order whatever you want, Em -"

"Whatever you're having'll be fine, Georgie." I told him with a small smile on my face.

"You sure?" He raised an eyebrow, and I nodded, giggling. I wondered if he was going to order something crazy, but after a few seconds, George said, "two cokes and a couple o' chips'll do us, ta."

The waitress nodded and hurried off, leaving the two of us alone.

She brought back the drinks before we had a chance to talk, two paper straws in her hand as she set the bottles of cola on the table and handed either of us a straw. We thanked her and she promised to be back with the chips when they were ready.

When she had disappeared again, I turned back to George, who was already sipping at the glass bottle without using his straw. "Can I ask you a question?"

He looked surprised, his eyes widening as bubbles fizzed out of the top of the glass bottle and then fell onto his shirt. I giggled as he sighed in annoyance, trying to brush the liquid off as if it would make a difference.

He coughed, "s-sure," he replied when he had recovered himself.

"Well... when you gave me the flowers, you said that you like me... I was just wondering, um..." I blushed, unsure of how best to phrase what I desperately wanted to know.

"I meant," George said, taking one of my hands in both of his and resting it on the table, our eyes locked together, "that I like you, Em. I like your smile and the way you do your hair. I like your accent, and the perfume that you wear -" he cut himself off, "but you haven't put any on today." He frowned.

"When John and Paul went to get my stuff last night, they forgot my perfume." I sighed, "I suppose I'll have to go back and get it -"

George teased me, pretending to sniff me, putting extra effort into making a scene. People sitting at the tables and booths around us turned to watch what this strange boy beside me was doing, and I was giggling, jokingly swatting him away.

When he had recovered himself, George said, "Em, I don't care how you smell, okay? Your perfume was just another thing that made me realise how much I like you." George paused, "and I was wondering if... well, I know it's really early, since you've only been 'ere for a few days, and we haven't known each other for much longer, but I was wondering if... if maybe one day in the not-too-distant future, you'd consider maybe, um, going steady with me?" He was blushing like crazy, and it was adorable.

I smiled at him... no, beamed, actually. "Yeah, George," I said in an eager tone of voice, "absolutely... and maybe the future doesn't have to be far from now. How does Monday sound to you?"

"M-Monday?" George asked in surprise and confusion, closing his eyes briefly while he spoke and shaking his head, making his cute haircut move with him.

I nodded, giggling. "Monday morning. When we wake up, we're going steady."

George chuckled. "Monday sounds amazing." He paused, "can, I, um... well, can I kiss you, Em?"

I leaned in and pecked his lips.

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I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now