♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐢𝐱 ♥

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Emeraude's POV

"John, I -"

"Who else knows, Emeraude?"

"John -"

"Emeraude," he said in a measured tone of voice, one that almost tricked me into thinking that he was asking something which he was nonchalant about, "who else knows?"

I bowed my head, sighing in defeat. "Paul."

"Just Paul?" John raised an eyebrow.

I sighed again.

"And George."

"George!?" John exclaimed in surprise and annoyance, "you told George before me!?"

"John, Cynthia knew, and she didn't tell you? I thought you were just being ignorant and disinterested -"

"As if I'd fucking do that, Em!" He snapped, "it's you. Of course I'd be interested." He ignored the snow which had begun to fall, settling on his shoulders and in his fine red-brown hair. "If I'd known, I would have been round here and demanding to fucking see you!" I winced at his loud tone, looking at him and seeing him visibly soften. "I'm sorry for shouting." The last time John had apologised to me was that day in the flat. "Em, am I going to be a dad?"

I just nodded, biting my signature McCartney lip and not daring to meet his gaze.

But John caught me by surprise. He stepped forward and took me into his arms, picking me up and spinning me around like we were in a cliche romance novel.

"John," I said softly once he had set me back down on my feet, "you're already a dad." I took a deep breath. "And a husband. What about Cynthia and Julian? They're your family -"

John leant forward and softly kissed my lips, whispering against them, "they're not the family I want..."

And as awful as what he had said was, it was exactly what I wanted to hear. After that, I was putty in his hands. John took me into his arms again and this time kissed me more passionately, trailing his mouth across my jawline and to my earlobe before he nipped it teasingly and then pulled away.

"I'll file for divorce." He promised me, "and custody. We'll have it all." He paused, "you me, the baby and Julian. We'll get a nice little house wherever you want - right next door to here, maybe - and then a holiday home in -"

"But -"

"Em, I won't let you have this baby without us being together - being married. You're... you're everything that I've ever wanted. Always. Ever since the first time I met you outside of your house, the first day that you came to England."

"Okay, John." I conceded, though in truth I had needed very little persuasion. "But I don't approve of you doing this to Cynthia and Julian. B-but my baby needs a family, and -"

"Our baby will have a family. A daddy who loves them, a mummy who adores them, and a big brother who will always be there for them - just like you and Paul."

It occurred to me then that history was repeating itself.

My situation was very similar to the one which my mother had found herself in twenty years previously, when she was pregnant with me.

She had become pregnant by a married man, just as I had done, and had sought a father for her child. When that child had grown up, they had found their half sibling, and was as close to him as she could be.

My situation was almost exactly the same except the father for my child would be its biological one all the way through, and John and I would probably not be moving back to Liverpool - and, if there was anything I could do about it - I would not leave my seventeen year old child without a mother.

"Tomorrow, dad's coming from home with his new, um, girlfriend," I didn't know what to call Angie, but I opted for the first title which had come to mind, "and her daughter. Why don't you stay here tonight and join us? I could telephone dad and ask him to bring Mimi down with him, too. We can make it our first Christmas as a family."

John smiled, kissing my nose, "I'll stay tonight, but tomorrow I need to see Julian."

I nodded, understanding entirely his need to see his child on December 25th. "Of course. Why don't you go and get him now, and grab some overnight things?"

My fiance (we were engaged, yet) nodded and then kissed my lips once more. "I'll see you in a bit." And then he turned and left the house, not bothering to close the door behind him. I watched him go, my heart beating quickly in excitement.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now